Imstinky’s Stink Shack

Haha. Have you ever laid down in a dog bed before? I fell asleep with my dog in her bed before. Lol.


I once took an eighth of mushrooms while finishing an abandoned full keg with my friends and woke up in a dog bed with a sad looking Dogo Argentino looking at me from the floor next to me.


You gotta make room for the dogo, man. Haha.


If you curl up, they are real comfy. My dog is old old old. So his beds smell. But he’s old enough that any night he wants to cuddle up, I’m all for it. Not gonna be too many more nights so I’ll take all I can get.


Just saw you in the Va thread. Welcome fellow Commonwealthian! RVAer area here.


I lived in RVa for about a year back in 2006. It was the classic American love story. I never did find ‘my people’ and ended up moving back to the beach heartbroken.


Power outage fun yesterday. My heater in my tent in the shed doesn’t auto come back on when the power goes out and back on. I guess the last time I turned it on yesterday, I hit the timer button by mistake. 45degress in there right now with the lights on. Who knows how cold it got last night with no lights.

Luckily I have clones of everything but I might be popping more seeds sooner than scheduled.


Going through something similar myself. I’m down in Florida visiting my parents and I got word yesterday that the power went out. Had a buddy hook up a generator, then that evening had another buddy stop by to put gas in it and he said the power was back on, and got everything hooked back up. Checking the Dominion outage map this morning and it says the power is out again lol. He should be stopping by to double check again but fuck it’s been stressful and I wont be home for a couple more days


Yeah it’s stressful. Hope everything is fine.

Ours went out for 4 hours yesterday and then a couple times for a few minutes when they were working on it. Every time I gotta turn my heater back on. My flower tent is like a week away from finishing so I’m not worried about that since it was fine except for the darkness. But I’m really hoping the earthbox water didn’t freeze.


Minor setback :wink: sucks though for sure. Sorry for the troubles guys.

Are your clones not in the shed @imstinky ?


Nope. What you see in the pic is the only plants I have out there. My bed and veg tent are indoors and stay as warm as we do.


I just got back from picking up some cocktail shrimps and damn it’s COLD. Hope y’all are toasty baked :fire::fire::fire:


I’m running on some Soul Mate picking up macarons for my wife. I’m nice and toasty.


Don’t be like me. Remember to let your water drip. I’m trying to figure where these janks are frozen up so I can unthaw them.


Yikes! I remembered at like 1am when I went from the couch to the bed.

The stink shack is dry, just super cold. Hope nothing is damaged over there


I’m glad the stink shack is good. Everything here is good for the most part. It’s super weird. I have cold water upstairs, no cold water downstairs. No hot water upstairs or downstairs.


Just put 5 Genius Thai Extreme x Chocolate Trip beans in water since nothing from the frozen tent is coming back. Figured now is a good time to try something new and get out of my comfort zone. Haven’t ran more than 3 seeds of a strain at the same time and haven’t run anything close to a Thai.

Couple bud shots of my bed.
Soul Mate x Chocolate Diesel

MAC x DLA5 #1

MAC x DLA5 #2


Scrounged up some stuff to replace the frozen plants because they weren’t bouncing back. Couple of these will be their last run, couple I need to take clones of. But putting these in the earthboxes clears out my veg tent so those GTExCT have somewhere to veg for a bit.

It’ll be 2 black triangles and a kosher tangie x chocolate diesel in far back. Purple Afghan Hashplant x chocolate diesel and MAC x dla5 #2 in the next earthbox. Goji f2 #1 in its own earthbox. And then artifact 1 x Kashmir azad and macxdla5 #1.


Have been super busy with life shit going on over here. Had to put my bestest boy down over the weekend. I’m uploading some pics from the end of my last run before they get lost in time.

There’s a pic or 2 of the new plants in there now. Current run in the 4x4 is GMO x Granny Skunk, Kosher Tangie, Soul Mate, and 3 new ladies….Genius Thai Extreme x Chocolate Trip from Useful Seeds. Popped 6 seeds, 4 came out of the soil, 3 were females. 2 stretchier phenos, and one shorter one. Those are currently like a week or so in flower so not much going on yet.


Good vibes bud, sorry for the loss. Those guys are hard to loose.
Buds looks stinky!!