Imstinky’s Stink Shack

Hey, I found your thread finally! Awesome. @minitiger recently taught me how to find threads easier. And this was one I was looking for! I’ll take a seat over here, don’t mind the clouds of loud :wink:


Doesn’t look like imstinky’s posted here in a whiiiiiile, dude, but I’m glad I could help you out haha.


Was looking for the gmo x granny skunk stuff. Thanks again


I didn’t make the GMO x Granny skunk. But I am keeping it around because it’s real good. Checks all my boxes…… good yield, awesome terps/smells, great high, easy to grow. It’s the only plant I have outside now that is doing good.

Anytime I get pollen, I try and dust a branch to see if her qualities shine in her offspring. I would have hit her with Choc Diesel pollen but I don’t have her in flower now. She’s gonna be in the next round and I saved some of the CD pollen so hopefully it’s still viable.

I have like 50 beans of GMO Granny x Blue Sunshine that I pulled out of her from the pollen I got from @VAhomegrown.


Just intrigues the hell out of me with the description plus I absolutely love both strains ! Who made that gem? This thread has lots of fire. Sad I only found it now. But if u are still using it I’ve hit watching now


That combo sounds epic! with CD added I love that you are hitting everything with it too

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Yeah I’m a lazy fuck. I still randomly take pics, but then they don’t get posted as much. Hard juggling all this with a full time physical job and a 2 year old.

Here’s a quick photo dump of when my power went out for a few hours last week

Left front is GMO x BOO from useful seeds.
Left rear (can’t really see) is GMO Granny x Blue Sunshine
And whole right side of the tent is the only bagseed that came out of my favorite Field Trip. Named her Field Trip 1.1

This is a wide shot of my 4x8 with 4 earthboxes
Left to Right Earthboxes
Back GTH x Blue Sunshine @VAhomegrown
Front GMO x BOO from useful seeds

EB2 Sunshine 4 @CrunchBerries cut

Both Silver Sunshine #2 and #3

Pre98 Bubba I got from @FirstCavApache64

Closeup of Silver Sunshines


Everything looks awesome my friend! I get that it’s tough , especially with a 2 year old. I’m here now. Looking forward to seeing what’s next


Welcome! Doesn’t get updated that frequently but this is where I’ll post up some good shit I find.

Also been really digging this newer band Houseplant. So here’s some tunes to listen to when you’re visiting my stink shack.


Oh yeah, dude, I wasn’t criticizing. I just thought it was funny that Trees was like,”I’m here!” on a thread that hadn’t been posted on since April haha.

Tents look great, though! I wanna start defoliating like that, too, but every time I begin the process, I get freaked out that I’m chopping too much off and stop.

I’m not sure about the music, but I do think it’s totally friggin’ hilarious that they have actual houseplants on the stage haha!


Hell yeah @imstinky !! I’ve got my original A cut of SS4 if you want to try that one also.


This has me lol too!


It’s packed in there dude, nice work!
Was just out on the deck chillin with my SS4


That’s kinda what made me sit down a listen more than just a few seconds and then I started digging it. Couple of their “popular” songs are called Monstera, Cocoon, Gesundheit. Pretty funny that it has to do with plants and nature.

Live at the Greenhouse is a good show to pull up on YouTube if you actually dig it.


I didn’t know you had 2 cuts? I grabbed this one from @BeagleZ a few months ago.


I’ve defoliated so much at times I thought for sure they herm. Nothing. Loved it in fact, it’s rare I ever see a plant that doesn’t actually like it . The day I had an epiphany was driving to the pharmacy one morning a long while back and watched the tree trimmers take a whole street worth of trees and literally take every leaf, limb off of them. Oaks, maples, walnut and more. I thought why would they do that, maybe they are coming back for the rest or something? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: a few weeks later I drove past and instantly remembered except now most had new shoots galore, some had already started limbs …… it sat with me a bit and I said screw it and started stripping a couple for an experiment. They outshone everything else ! Next run I did a bunch, and much more, same results . Then I took my outdoor plants and did 1 of each cultivar but almost stripped em , they loved it so I did it again, same thing. Before bloom I took off mass and just left some on the mains etc. was like all buds on a stick. But a shit ton! Now I’m still experimenting but I’m a huge fan of heavy defoliation. I’ve yet to find a plant that didn’t respond well tbh


This is the mom I took your cut from. @CrunchBerries has it covered so I’m not currently keeping a mom cut


Yeah I’ve been doing this defoliation for years. Always did it lightly, but one time I had extra space and a plant that I didn’t care if it did well, so I lollipopped it to hell, there was only one node at the top of each stick. It turned out way better than the first time I ran it.

But I also kinda let the plant tell me what to do. If it’s too bushy, then I clean up the innards. If it’s the first time I’m running a plant, I don’t go as hard cause I don’t know if that lady will like it.


I grabbed a clone off of it before sending her off to flower land. And she’s the best looking clone in my bunch of rootbound solo cups.

I’ve got 3 snips of Trinity and a spare Pre98 Bubba clone from @FirstCavApache64 if you want. @CrunchBerries mentioned he wanted some Trinity some time in the past. I’m still waiting on Trinity to pop some roots, but as long as 2 of the cuts root, then y’all are more than welcome to one. I have TK clone too, but it’s gonna be a while before I can get snips off of her.


what are your silver sunshine smelling like?