In house genetics beans not popping? Anyone else

I recently bought some seeds thru north atlantic cuz they had a sale goin on. i bought some platinum kush breath remix, theyv been sittin in my fridge for proly over a month now and this post made me open them up to see. They sent me some testers from inhouse that im runnin right now and they all seem to b doin fine, i just had 1 dud seed in the freebies

The pack seems to b in good shape, if u got multiple duds in a pack tho id mayb msg the guys u got them thru and see if they can do anythin, cuz for like 200$ a pack thats crazy


Theyre pretty pale

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Id proly soakem sooner rather than later, i do kno the freebies i got i let sit in a paper towel for an extra day to really get the roots out , i was germinating some of tony greens stuff at the same time and his seemd pop faster.

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You are not the only one with problems popping inhouse beans. A half pack of Twisted Pie yielded 2 very ugly males and 3 no pops. Undaunted I buy more. First Draclua seed is a dud and the second one was mutant. That said I got a dracula to pop and Royal Jelly and Tsunami popped fine. So thereā€™s 110 bux wasted but Iā€™m hoping I get some good stuff from whatā€™s running now. While Iā€™m griping, lol, Sticky Glue was a runtā€¦was like in a 1 gallon pot but it was an outdoor in the ground grow. When you get one up, make sure and take a cut or two. Itā€™s probably still going to work out in the long run.


OP - people have great experiences with Solfire. Mind Flayer is on sale also, killlllllller bud. A lot of great flavors.


I wouldnā€™t go back to that seed bank. You purchased something from their shop, they should refund and send freebies. They are the ones that should go to IHG to get their money back. They are the middleman that is pocketing money, so they should make it right.

Also if they are just giving you free pack with your next purchase, Iā€™d be mad. They are making you give them even more money to make it right. Iā€™d do a chargeback and not use them anymore. Plenty of other seed sellers that will treat you better.


True im not happy but i dont wanna blame deeply rooted. Me personally if i had a stock pile of seed id definitely send something out to the guy who spent $110 got eveything all set up and ready and then Duddddd! But it is what it is


Iā€™m not saying you need to blame them, but they took your money for a product they are selling.

If you bought a bad box of Frosted Flakes from Walmart, you return them to Walmart and get your money back. You donā€™t contact Kelloggā€™s.


Every 24 hrs i try to pop another 2 beans so far were at 6 duds :confused:


Drop em in rhizotonic for 24hrs, precrack them then leave em in moist towels in warmer temps than usual

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How would i go about pre cracking them? Blade of some sort?


Usually either pinch the pointy tip of the seed using your nails from your index and thumb in a slow forward rolling motion or teethšŸ˜


Or I take a scalpel and run it along the keel edge gently just breaking the seal , usually you can pop the bean then and get at the embryo


Thanks for the kind words. May your garden always be filled with beautiful flowers :hibiscus:


I got 2 sticky glue freebies. They were the only beans to pop out of my im house buy. Both went into lockout, i was able to unlock one by transplanting it into royal gold kings mix and it flourished and took off and became the best plant in the tent. The other i transplanted into royal gold basement mix and it did not unlock no matter what i do. Still a ugly sick plant that is going to yield almost next to nothing but i cant bring myself to cull it.

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Or nail clippers!

P.s. I am 2/2 for In Houseā€™s Slurriking seeds, and the other 7 looked good: big, brown, striped, etc. Not exactly a large sample size, but take it for what itā€™s worth