In need of some advice and opinions

This is cool all the replies you’ve got. Unfortunately with autos every mistake will cost you yeild.

You’ve got some good advice i just want to make sure your not running 500w of new leds 6 inches from these plants. Im suprised Noone else said anything. When my plants stay too stocky I back off the light to let them stretch a bit. Also they almost look over lit, too dry environment or too wet soil thing happening.

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Negative I’ve got 200w LED that I put at manufacturers recommended height at 15in. Usually only Tun it at about 80-85% power

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It could just be the extreme bandage situation


You’ve got some good growth just not vertical. Could just be genetics

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Yeah I didn’t do that until this morning from just being bored and wanting to mess with it for a bit, definitely costed me but I’m gonna just leave them alone for a week, just check in for the humidity

200 real watt? My 100 quantum led real watt at 15 inch is too much for vegging weed.
I like to grow sativas and lst but that much torturing maybe too soon dont need to be so low near media harder to prune etc later.
Do u have a lux or par meter? You can estimate with a phone app then convert with waveform lighting tool.

Id also get an infrared thermometer pen and get the leaf surface temp. High temp means light too close or too humid or plant unhealthy thus not transpiring.
Ever put ure hand in a weed bush on hot summer day? When it feels cool that’s a very healthy fast growing beast

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Noted, I will raise the lights a bit tomorrow. 20in or so would be better? Or higher ?

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If you cant get the par at all can you share the manufacturer chart

I see why the say it covers a smaller area in flower.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I think over 700 par you need co2.
Thats very high for anything other than a mature healthy plant.
Id aim for 400 par even everywhere for a few days then see.

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I will do that, I’ll raise the lights this morning

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This comment from Bostonbud is seriously what you need my friend. This is the biggest takeaway. Just let them do their thing. Go in water once a day, and leave it. Stop overthinking every little thing you’ve done in the grow so far. She looks fine. I understand the desire to be with your plants, and in time you’ll learn what’s an appropriate amount of love and whats overdoing and and squelching progress.


Yeah after his comment I’m gonna leave them for a week, check the humidity make sure it’s where it needs to be, water when they need it but other than that gonna keep the tent closed and stay away from it as best I can :joy:


Right on, and even with the humidity… I’m sure there will be other takes but I’ve grown in both suboptimal and optimal humidity… Honestly man while yes it does matter if you are trying to “min-max” your growth and yields… but as someone said earlier it’s a weed its going to grow regardless. Don’t stress the details. Cannabisforcoco while an amazing website for information It definitely is very rigid in it’s approach. You don’t have to be this rigid to be successful. Best of luck, and welcome to Overgrow!