In the basement with Loggershands

When you say there is One Left, somehow I twitched.

I’d love to try those out Please and Thanks @Loggershands


Sold! To @MissinBissin! Send me those details!


Day 87 (61F) - HogFishDog and Paczkies

The Paczkies are both good looking girls, really frosty and with greasy trichomes that reek like rotting pineapple.

The HFD is very chemy with a lemon cleaner thing going on.

In the 2x4 we have Famous Aimless, OGKB x Mendo Breath, Garlic Breath x Mendo Breath, Jetfuel x Hellbilly, Salt water Kush and Death Slap.

Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend! Thanks for checking out the grow.


Dude you’ve got it covered every which way but loose. Where’s that Eddie rabbit song. Anyhow, plants look happy happy!

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That is One fine delivery Machine you have created here @Loggershands.
Damn seeds showed up almost instantly.

And I send a Big Thanks, I’ll be sure to keep you posted when it happens Bro.


Nice one! Glad they made it out to you! :grin::evergreen_tree::fire: Happy growing bro!


I posted this in another thread about soil recipes but since I am using this mix in the plants in this thread it makes sense to repost it here.

This is how I compost bokashi and turn it into soil indoors. My goal has been how to compost and manage food waste in a cold climate (I mean seriously cold) without it going to a landfill. I recently learned that food waste is a surprisingly large part of the global warming problem and the methane produced is believed to be 100x worse than Co2.

This might seem like a lot of work to some people but the vast majority of the time involved is letting it sit and do its thing. I enjoy it as it allows me to limit my waste and create fantastic soil for zero (almost) cost.

This is a breakdown of how I made composted soil indoors.

Stats with making LAB and bokashi grain. They are both really low effort to make.


From there I bokashi compost our kitchen food waste indoors in 5 gallon buckets.


After the bucket is full I will wait 4 weeks and then add the bucket of bokashi compost to a 25 gallon tote of recycled soil. I bury the bokashi in the middle of the tote and cover with soil. Hit with JMS for additional activity.

After 6 weeks in the totes the food with be (almost) 100% broken down back into the soil. The only bits left in the tote below were nectarine stones.

Test soil for PH at this stage. I re-amend old soil with dolomite lime (oyster shell would be better) often so my PH always comes out between 6-7ph

Bokashi grain and LAB also make a fantastic addition to your garden as stand alone products. Water plants with LAB (30mls/litre) for a microbial boost and top dress with bokashi for awesome results.



Day 68F took down the HogFishDog and the Paczkies.

I’ve got OGKB 2.1 x Mendo Breath (left) and Famous Aimless (right) in a SIP (left SIP). GMO 2.0 x Mendo Breath is in a 3gl but I’ll transplant her into a 25gl this week with other plants. The other SIP has one Death Slap and Salt Water Kush. Few other Jet Fuel x Hellbilly to sex and then flip everyone to flower.

In the little tent I have popped some new beans. I’ve crossed (Nana glue x sugar belts from @Ottafish) x Goji OG that I’m excited to see grown out. I’ve also received some mysterious beans from @DannyTerpintine that have been dropped. They are Bubba Kush x either limed orange or moon medic, time will tell. Also dropped some Peanut butter balls from @Pigeonman and some Punch Line from @pharmerfil.

Thanks for checking out the grow :grinning:


Picture perfect as always…:ok_hand:t3:
Your thread is an eye candy brother…:boom:


Never skipping a beat.
Happy harvest brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Beautiful garden! That hotfishdog and paczkies look super fire! :fire: :100:

You’ll find a lot of variation in those Bubba X (LO or MMog) seeds. But there’s some real fire in there! That’s where I found my Mango Bubba male. :pray:


Looking great @Loggershands !

:heart: :seedling: :heart:


@iceman thank you mate! I appreciate you checking it out.

@InTheWoods thanks mate. I skip a few beats but always trying to keep rolling.

@DannyTerpintine the HDF turned out really chemy/lemon and the Paczkies has a greasy 90’s heroin supermodel look and smells of rotten pineapple. Excited to see what we get from the BK x LO/MM! ill be tagging you for your thoughts as we go.

@Pigeonman thanks mate! Im excited to see if i can find those poop terps in the PBB :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


How is the Goji? What kind of herb is it flavor wise? Was it one of the in the top 90% of your favorite ?I bought some seeds once but never ended up growing them out. I know it was one of his top strains.

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I love the looks of this one! What is it?


I’ve actually never tried Goji OG, I got this pollen in a trade. I was trying my hand at making seeds on the lowers only and keeping the main buds for smoke. I didnt think the pollen had taken till I found about a dozen seeds. I really enjoyed the NG x SB smoke so I thought I would grow them out and see what I’ve got :grin:

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This is Paczkies. It’s pure Michigan x pancakez. The buds reek like rotting tropical punch and old lady perfume.


Buddy…holy smokes…how was that harvest??? Plants look effin primo!!! It seems we’re running a lot of the same strains…mgcanna, craftyflame and ottafish hook up some seriously good stuff!
I was bugging Otta for a month to send me some nana glue x sugar belts, but canada post still dragging their feet from Xmas.

Looking super good around your parts! Flash some budshots!!!


Thanks mate! You do have great taste is genetics so I’m always happy when I see we are running the same stuff.

Stay on Otta about that NG x SB! It’s great gear!


They’re en route :grin: