Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

Are you directing this at me???

Haha, just kidding. That’s the best way to find out whether or not you like something, is to grow it out/smoke it yourself. I did the same thing with Rare Dankness gear after having read tons of negative shit about their stuff and I really liked the three or four crosses of theirs that I’ve grown so far! Still got a bunch of their seeds, actually, and I’m not at all opposed to planting more of it soon. It’s gonna get grown at some point for sure.

And who knows? Maybe that SSDD male will really improve the GSC high. I know that one Ukrainian guy who’s been posting on the Bodhi thread lately (can’t remember his screen name offhand) really liked his Field Trip. It’s a good name, if nothing else haha. Makes me think back to when I was a kid in grade school and we’d go on field trips.


How’d you like that one, @ramblinrose? That was one of the recent releases that almost made me break my vow to not buy any more seeds, but I stuck to the vow haha. For once.


TBD! It’s about halfway through flower. Nice funky stem rub and strong growth so far. I dig it from a growth standpoint, hoping for some nice chunky OMG buds!


So cool, nice to hear others with similar thoughts about the mattter!

Nice! Wonder Wookie sounded interesting to me for sure and am growing a few Madre Azuls as well so am very interested to see what you end up finding.


Haha no, it’s not directed at anyone honestly and by here I meant the Bodhi thread here on OG. I think nube mentioned that he knew a few people who disliked field trip for a variety of reasons and I definitely appreciate and value that feedback. If anyone dislikes cookies or the cookies crosses I respect that point of view for sure and may wind up holding that position as well after trying it. What I was referencing was an overall impression of hyperbole and passion that surrounded cookies that I got in the Bodhi thread (don’t remember any names, don’t really care anyways). I wasn’t a huge fan of the Granola Funk or Fgens other than the way they looked but by no means was it bad.

Yeah that was my thoughts as well. There seemed to be a very high number of people on RIU that were very happy with their Field Trip as well. I also saw @bytheKasiz posted there recently with some praise towards Field Trip and definitely respect his opinion on SSDD crosses and strains in general.

If nothing else it looks like there are some really stunning flowers to be found with ornamental value… Found this video searching the strain last night :


Good luck on your Field Trip! The only GSC thing I’ve grown was More Cowbell, and it was very good… it’s on my Bodhi Redux list :yum:


Nice - I only have 1 madre azul female, but it’s seemed like a nice plant so far at ~30 days flowering. Nice dank stem rub and easy-going grower. Yeah im psyched for wonder wookie, have read that strayfox’s william wonder cut is a really nice one, and it’s cool to tryout a strain that doesn’t have any reports on it so far.


What up guys, thanks for the mention and kind words @minitiger. Yea to echo that and add on Field Trip was my first taste of anything gsc. I picked it up when it was first released and still running it today. I had 2 keepers for awhile and miss the one i eventually cut. She was the perfect blend of both parents, stouter, denser buds, had the bubba happy body buzz, and a woodsy type taste added to the creamy cookie. They grew quick, smell and tasted great with expansion on the smoke.
I dusted a few lowers and ran just under 30 f2 girls within a few rounds. I must have used a cookie dominant male because most were lower yielders and more cookie dominant but quick flowering. I had one that would finish in 50 days. The F1s were more hardy and heavier yielders. I still have 5 or so in the pack i was just looking at last nite.
Looking back at all the Bodhi i’ve ran, Field Trip is still in the stable and one of the strongest. It blended well with the ssdd, better than others. Every time i dropped off a few flavors to someone, next time they would raise their eyebrows saying, “that field trip was some good shit”
I ran several granola funk crosses from a guy named FunkyFrog on IG and they had a nice taste but the high seemed generic.
I’ve had several other cookies crosses since and nothing has been even close to the high, taste and hardiness of the Field Trip except Mac v2. Results may vary, that’s my experience. I could only find 2 year old pics with a shitty iphone 8 camera but here they are.


Thanks for chiming in, I’m glad you saw this !

Very helpful info, thank you! Reinforces my decision to pop the whole pack for sure.

Yeah that was my experience with Granola Funk as well except mine didn’t taste or smell that strong. It was extremely photogenic though. Crossed really well to a previous Goji male also.

Yeah, I’ve read a lot of praise towards More Cowell as well. Seems like the GSC and the W15 may just not pair well together.


I remember someone posted in the B thread a month or 2 ago about how both old and new Bodhi seeds don’t germinate for them. Hasn’t even been 24 hours yet and 9 out of 12 have tails. 11/12 out of the promised 11 have cracked open. No freezing, scuffing, seed crackers, fulvic or peroxide baths. Maybe it was the full moon 2 days ago. In any case Bodhi’s seeds seem to germinate better than anything for me, including my own seeds. Not to say they are immune to pest, pathogen or just drying out completely. I could obviously still mess them up at this point but in my opinion the fault would be mine now that they have sprouted…


Yeah, dude, even before I started with the fulvic soaks and I’d just plant them straight into the soil, I rarely had an issue with germination. Maybe one or two wouldn’t sprout, but that’s it. I dunno what that dude on the Bodhi thread was talking about, but I saw that post (and I DIDN’T hit the “like” button haha). The only time I had a full-blown issue was with the Dream Beavers I planted like five years ago; none of them sprouted. I’m assuming they were stored improperly by the seed distributor, just because that is not a thing that happens with Bodhi seeds, ever.

I actually emailed him about that, not necessarily to complain, but just to give him a heads-up that maybe this particular distributor wasn’t storing his seeds correctly. He ended up sending me a pack of Silver Mountain, Cherry Trance and Pinball Wizard, which just goes to show what a cool-ass motherfucker he is.

Congrats on the good germ rates, btw haha.


Yeah I’ve always found Bodhi seeds to sprout faster than any others I’m germing at the same time. Currently germing an original pack of blue tara and it’s looking like they are viable and sprouting!


So to update there was 100% germination rate a little after 24 hours. Everything has tails and is in rapid rooters now. Up to me to not let them wither away to neglect now… Not big on veg updates especially prior to gender identification, but did want to document the consistently fantastic germination rates from Bodhi’s seeds.

Don’t know why but I didn’t even consider this possibility. Probably since I have only bought Bodhi’s seeds from GLG & Shoe and had nothing but smooth experiences with them. No idea if you had this issue with either of them but I did forget that not everyone uses the same banks. Anyways I just noticed the poster in question was the one who got offended that you brought up his timer issues while complaining about flowering times so I’ll give the benefit of the doubt to the seed-banks and say it was user error.

I assume those are from 2015 or earlier as that’s around the time I remember hearing that the SL male was retired (I think?). Maybe it was even before then… It’s impressive to me that seeds that old are germinating with out issue.


Keep us updated brother!


No, not GLG or headie’s; it was from a European seed bank (not Attitude, never had an issue with seeds I’ve gotten from them). I haven’t ordered from that place in years, so I’m not really worried about it haha. I don’t think Bodhi sends his seeds to them anymore, either.

Yeahhhhh… I know who the fuck it was haha. I remember. No point in bringing up who exactly it was that bitched about germ rates. We know… haha.


Redeye Jedi 1

Redeye Jedi 2

Both of these have been “praying” and looking very happy.

Madre Azul 1

Madre Azul 2

One of these (#1) has nice compact growth to it. Don’t know much about either parent so I’m in the dark here ([Blueberry x SL] x Old Mother Ghani)


May be the tallest or stretchiest 88g13hp plant that I’ve grown. Not a weak stretchy though, the stems seem quite strong.


So far looking fairly promising but still a bit early. Don’t remember when the stems get ultra frosty as I haven’t ran this in a while but at least the fan leaves are showing some frost. Currently it is the frostiest in the tent but that can all change.


I love that shade of green your plants have going. So vibrant!


Appreciate the kind words as always, thanks! Thinking I really should do a top-dress soon with vermi-compost or amendments of some sort to keep them happy come mid-late flower.

Also in other news all of the Field Trips are doing well still. In my post I said there were 12 but I did come to learn there were actually 13. One of them was a “twin” where the two hulls were fused together and had to be physically pulled apart. Kind of cool, first time doing that for me.

The double / twin seed circled in blue here .


Looking good, dude!

Probably an OMG-leaner. I’m not an expert haha, but I’ve found a couple of those super-compact, non-stretchy plants in the two OMG crosses I’ve grown. I’m hoping to find another in the Nikahs I have growing now, too.

I love that about that GHash male Bodhi uses. The stems on all of those crosses are always super-sturdy, never had a single plant get all floppy on me or anything.


Yeah now that you mention it I think the Devil’s HP was the only lanky / floppy plant that I remember seeing out of the 88g13hp crosses that I’ve tried. I still have a whole lot more to go through to get a better feel for it though.

Do you have any impression of the OMG leaners when it comes to common smells , effects or anything? I feel like Bodhi briefly talked about it in his potcast episodes when talking about roadkill skunk but I could be wrong. I should probably re-listen to that at some point. Also I was actually considering buying a few more packs when I saw that GLG restocked Soar and added them as freebies but ultimately decided against it. Like you I just have no need or desire to add any more seeds still. That said if anyone else is looking for it they still have 10~ freebies left at the time of this post…



Madre azul lookin good! Similar to mine at that stage- the OMG male is stout afghani with lemony afghani aroma, and isnt sleepy high. I think the stretchier phenos lean to the blue lotus - its a sativa dom cross with sativa leaning BB and snow lotus, both stretchy.