IndicaDominant's Outdoor Grow 2024

Most Appreciated & Honored :pray::expressionless::pray::expressionless:


That Phantom is giant. Looks like it’s trying to form some baseball bats. I might grab some zombie bride at some point. Ripper seeds have some cool crosses.

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Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to all…Well, when it Rains it Pours…LoL…i haven’t been away but I’ve been busy& haven’t been on top of these Girls over the weekend :pensive::pensive::pensive:…I found a visitor, More like a Squatter​:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yeah the dreaded P.M.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:…ItS mainly on PINKY, much like how the Septoria is mainly attacking Muffin…The P.M. & Septoria are not Isolated to 1 plant each but those are the plant where they are most Prevalent and could get out of control if not kept at bay…


Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to all…Well, when it Rains it Pours…LoL…i haven’t been away but I’ve been busy& haven’t been on top of these Girls over the weekend :pensive::pensive::pensive:…I found a visitor, More like a Squatter​:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yeah the dreaded P.M.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:…ItS mainly on PINKY, much like how the Septoria is mainly attacking Muffin…The P.M. & Septoria are not Isolated to 1 plant each but those are the plants where they are most Prevalent and could get out of control if not kept at bay

Better give them babies a spritz!

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So I mixed up a batch of LABS & Water and sprayed the ladies down then went in and did some more Thinning Out of the Leaves to improve Air Flow & reduce Humidity …Still got a bit of work left on MUFFIN and I haven’t even gotten to PHANTOM yet​:sweat::sweat::sweat:






I’ll take Photos of PHANTOM’s Buds and Post em Tomorrow most likely


BRUCE COUNTY Chick will get a light Defoliation soon as well…

Other Than the MOLD & FUNGUS :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: they look Exquisite…Putting on the Gloves for the Championship Rounds…I cant loose this Fight​:boxing_glove::boxing_glove:
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Salute @Itslegalnow …Yeah She gonna have a Crown of Bats if I can keep the Fungus and Mold at bay…They shouldn’t be Bicep thick but more * like a Thick Wrist or a Forearm…Lol…
And Yeah Im a Ripper Seeds Fan…Definitely *gonna Run Washing Machine which is their Bubba & Exodus cross…There,s also O.M.G., Brain Cake, Dos-G, Break Pad Breath…Their Limited Edition’s & Collection’s…Im def gonna check out more of they’re Gear…**Great Pricing, 55-65$ for 5 fem on my side …35-45 for the 3 pack…Most Importantly They Have Been High Quality Gear for me…Always wanted to try their Double Glock but never bought em…
Thanks for Tapping in Family​:pray::pray::pray:
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:


The Man Himself​:muscle::muscle::muscle: @Cannabiscrusader … Yeah I gave em a spray today…If I get off at a decent time tomorrow, Ill grab some H2O2 and Rotate it with the LABS…
*Every 1 will be Fed Tomorrow Morning

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Think see P.M. on this GREASE nus Shot

Ill do.what I can B4 Work​:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Evry1 Have a Blessed Night…Be Safe, & if U Aint Safe…Be DANGEROUS :muscle::muscle::muscle:
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:


IndicaDominant, What’s your early favorite as far as intangibles? I know effect trumps all but as a grower which is the head of the class of ‘24? Thanks. I am growing Blue Muffin too and it has a blueberry- like smell. Yours?


Blessings @freddy-Foo …After Power/Effect, for me would be ,Flavor, Smell then appearance/Structure & Yield…I dislike Overly Leafy Strains, they usually dont get more than 1 run with me …Im out of date when it comes to Genetics & the New Fire Strains…Im Not Crazy about all this “TERPENES” Tuty Fruity Mildly effective Herb that seems to be Popular Now…My Favorite Plant/Smoke of 2024 has been a Cut of Ice Cream Cake from The Medicine Wheel…From Seed my Favorites have Been the ZOMBIE & PHANTOM…In 2025 I hope to Run Some CSI Humboldt, @Cannavore, Katsu, @Cannabiscrusader ,More Ripper Seeds, More Garden of Green…I also won some seeds From @BackyardBoogie420
& was gifted seeds from @George that Im really excited about…Everything else will be Free Style…
Those are the Seed Retailers on my list…There are Others but those are at the Front of My list…
Hope I answered your question correctly…Hang Around here and U will get a good idea of what Genetics are for U and who to Purchase them from…
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


I checked Ur Profile & it Read " Looking for the 90’s Champagne"…Is that the Champagne Kush Ur talking about…I Love that Strain…Last had some in the Early 2000 but never grew it…I saw Referman with some Champagne seeds but they were too rich for my Blood …That Champagne was a Wonderful Smoke & Experience :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Oh Yeah…PHANTOM’s Bud Shots

Peace, Blessings and Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:


IndicaDominant, The Champagne strain was an old Hashplant cut. Reeferman did work with it. It maybe a BC cut. Like anything else it was a mystery at the time. It was a darker finished flower. Fizzy smell. No fruit. It was complex and the taste was amazing. Truly exceptional. I am sceptical on these folks coming out claiming it as theirs but was superior to most ( like 95%) of whats going around today.

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Ur Description of Her is Beautiful and *spot on I.M.O…
She was Oddly Hairy, Dark and all the Nugs I ever got of her were Thin Long Spear / Finger like Buds…

Hash Plant makes Total sense and probably why I Assumed she was a Kush…She was always Referred to as Champagne…I too am Skeptical of the Old School Hitters just Popping Up in some of these Breeders Seed Catalogs

Champagne, Grapefruit (NL), Bubba (coffee) , etc…Far Better than the Purple Punches, Gelatos, & Biscottis of today…Just my Opinion

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