IndicaDominant's Outdoor Grow 2024

Great Handle @Itslegalnow …Yeah literally smells like Blueberries, Glad to hear that about the smoke…Only 1 Blue God Broke soil & just never grew…Kept it for a couple weeks, maybe more and never Grew…Lol…I discarded it…I have a few old seeds that were stored with the Gods that Ill try to Pop in the New Year


A Big Shout Out to some of the OGers that help me get this far in my Outdoor Grow & with Diagnosing & dealing with Septoria…
SALUTE to @Cannabiscrusader@CanuckistanPete

Im Sure Ive missed a few but Id like to thank U all for Sharing with Me Ir Time, Knowledge and Experiences…Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to U all​:muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::pray::pray::pray:


Your garden is looking good!

Bummer about the septoria but things are rockin’ :sunglasses:

OG is awesome :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @FieldEffect …Yeah the Septoria is a Bummer but It was a Great Learning experience & I now know how important Preventative measures are when it comes to Fungus, mold and pest…They are looking good though…Stay Blessed @FieldEffect , Appreciate U :muscle::muscle::muscle:

@George wanted to ask if there is any measures I can take to battle Septoria during Flowering


Right now defoliating any infected leaf, taking care while disposing of them to not touch anything and sanitize your tools, adding mulch and LABS to soil to prevent further infections, foliar spray with organic pesticides like JADAM or compost tea with a wetting agent.

Needs more ventilation, trim those branches covering the fence-box? to avoid stagnant air conditions that raises humidity, I would even drill some holes in that fence so water flows out and oxygen comes in.

Those plants are impressive, hope you can deal with it … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks @George …Appreciate the reply…I will do all of the above, except for the holes in the fence…I won’t be able to get away with that 1 lol​:rofl::joy::rofl:…Also thanks for the links …JADAM is new to me but, knowing is half the battle &.I hope I can hamdle it as well…Respect Family :muscle::muscle::muscle:


I knew it was a hard task but had to try anyway… frech|nullxnull


Peace, Blessings and Prosperity :muscle::muscle::muscle:…I put down some Castings & Manure and threw some Wood Mulch Over that, then Fed them the Full Medi 1 Line Up

Started to clean Up round back …PINKY & GREASE are good but MUFFIN & PHANTOM COOKIEs DOMINA need some Work & Im gonna need the ladder to do it…Hopefully tomorrow morning

The Photos above are from Behind the Girls , from Right side Looking Left …

Also thinking about Putting another layer of Trellis on PHANTOM…These are just some Random Bud shots from a few days ago, different Angle then Usual…

Ill take pics of BRUCE COUNTY and post em later or tomorrow, whatever arrives 1st…LoL…She Was Yellowing and is *Producing Bud but no frost or smell …I gave her a dose of some Generic House plant food and Really Wet her…So Im a grab Either , the General HydroponicsTrio, the Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Trio or maybe the Remo Mini Kit to feed BRUCE COUNTY…
Ok took pics…Here’s B COUNTY Chick

Tried my best to Over feed her some…Tomorrow Morn I’ll put in a little more Work and I will buy rather than make the LABS
**Oh and she does Smell just got a Nose of her But no Frost yet
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Nice man those are some lovely plants you have there and I’m jealous in the deep south having to keep everything indoors on the DL. I’m guessing the gals are starting to stink up the yard?


Blessings @Headies12green :muscle::muscle::muscle:…Hope they Legalize on Ur Ends soon :pray:…Yeah they Smell But all of them have a Sweet Background at the Moment , nothing Foul about the nose yet…There is a bit of Rotting Fruit in there…I only really smell em when the wind blows in the right direction or im in them working…Up close PINKY is the Funkiest/Foulest…
BRUCE COUNTY has a Citrus Cut to her Smell…MUFFIN, GREASE, PHANTOM are all sweet in their own way…

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Did a little work this SuN Rise☀️, Thinning out the Uppers on MUFFIN & PHANTOM , still got a bit more to do on em…Definitely gonna put another Level of Trellis on PHANTOM, She just Under 11ft. LoL…


Again, The Back of the Ladies from the Right side of the picture to Left…Hope it looks more Open then yesterdays pic






Stay Up.Evry1​:muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Looking really nice, great job so far … Arriba

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Grand Rising :sunny:
Peace, Blessings and Prosperity to all :muscle::muscle::muscle:
Got the Mini Remo Supercharged Kit…Figured having a Full lineup would be more beneficial than the Bloom, Grow, Micro Trio from General Hydro & Advanced Nutes…The Remo Kit Cost me 60$, The General H. Was 50$ & the Advanced Nutes were 42$ * for the Trio’s Respectfully

Gave BRUCE COUNTY her another Heavy Feed yesterday but this time with the Remo…The Previous feeding with the Generic Plant Food helped push her along I.M.O…She’s starting to Frost up, which I’m Happy about :grin:


Nice green happy plants you have there man. How is the bug and critter situation up in Canada? Even if it was legal where I’m at in the deep South the critters are absolutely ruthless and relentless. The few times I’ve had small plants outdoors they’ve been viciously attacked


Salute @George …Thanks Family…Hoping I can take em to the 3rd week of October if Need be…Phantom is gonna be chopped around that time, we’ll see about the others :man_shrugging:

On ur Previous comment @George about Indicas​:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:…Im all about the Narcotic, Heavy, Hashy, Peppery, Pain Numbing Indicas​:muscle::muscle::muscle:…I have Been on a Sativa Journey the last couple of years, looking for Sativas that appeal to me and in my mind would pair well with the Hard Hitting Indicas…

Gonna grab more Mulch…The LABS should arrive tomorrow & still got Thinning out to do on the girls


@Headies12green In…Da…Building…Blessings my Guy​:muscle::muscle::muscle:…This is my 4th or 5th year Growing in this Yard…Never had any Bug Issues/Infestations in any section of the Garden…The Odd Caterpillar or leaf eater…No thrips, Nats or those guys…The Critters are around but they’re into the fruits and veggies…Mold & Fungus have Been the Bad Boys on this side…But I got something for those MoFo’s next Season…

BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Hi man, I am also looking for the narcotic indica zz|nullxnull, going to cross indica landraces until I find it. Already started with a Hindu Kush x Tirah Valley, shoot me a PM if you’re interested… beer3|nullxnull


Beautiful *@George …Phat, Dense n Stacked Looking Lady…
I LuV my Woman with Meat on her Bones & Plenty of Substance :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:…More than Intrested Family…I might fall in Love, Get Married and have a few Kids​:rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Great, give me your address and they will go your way … beer3|nullxnull

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Photos of some of My Orphaned Children, taken a few weeks ago

They were in their 2.5 inch starter pots until about the second week of flower so they’re small LoL…But Hopefully it produces Quality Medicine for their Foster Parent…Ill se e of I can get an update on em & My Other Daughters :flushed::flushed::flushed:…Especially GRAPEFRUIT