Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

My man @Mr.Sparkle coming through with the time/water saving hacks.


Okay. Okay. Was getting these couple of plants for this seed increase ready for me to go out of town tomorrow and I noticed that one of my boy cuts isn’t looking very boyish anymore.


Will you love her just the same. Even thought shes not the son you wished for?


She’ll make some nugs, that’s for sure. And I’ll love that. But I need that pollen, mang!

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Hmmm maybe time to start looking at STS!

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Not quite yet. I have one other solo cup with a might be male. I also took another 5 cuts from the big plant that never showed pistils. They are going in domes before I roll out tomorrow. Maybe I’ll come home to more rooted clones. What if @Bobgrows was playing tricks on me and sent me a bunch of feminized seeds? :joy:


That would be pretty funny


If there is a way to tell if the seeds are male or female I sure would save myself alot of work! :joy:

They ARE photo regs!

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I’m just messin hun. Every piece of this thing has gone off the rails so far. I probably roasted all of the males on my first go around. :joy:

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Oh damn I guess I’m too late.

But you should use White Distilled Vinegar to clean up mold spores next time. It much more effective at killing spores then bleach and less harmful.

You can even add a bit of baking Soda to it if you wanted to. Baking soda also kills off mold spores on contact.

It not only can kill existing mold spores, but it also prevents further growth by unbalancing the pH levels on any areas you spray.

Bleach only kills SURFACE mold, not the membrane underneath.

“The mold will grow back.

In fact, recognizing the bleach as a ‘threat,’ the mold will grow back even stronger

When bleach is used on porous surfaces like drywall or wood etc…mold membranes will MOVE deeper into the surface to avoid the chemical.

But according to studies and research, Distilled White Vinegar gets rid of up to 82% of mold spores, viruses, AND bacteria.

Vinegar can also prevent mold from growing back if sprayed on surfaces and allowed to dry.

But anyway I’m excited to see what you get :raised_hands:
This is an amazing project :grin:


I also read some studies a long time ago that said certain conditions can increase the chance of females being produced from seed.

I think I read that a seedling does not determine it’s sex until week 2 or 4 ?
Things like temperature and light color can effect the outcome. Moisture content as well.

And on the other hand some people say it’s BS and that it is what it is when the seed is produced.

BUT I have had amazing results using some of the methods in the past.

I’ve literally gotten 95 seeds out of 100 to produce females one time when I used the methods I read about. And the percentage was about the same almost every other time Ive tried them.

I don’t know if a seed is what it is when created, but I do know that the plant itself can form either sex after it has matured.
Like using STS to block the ethylene.

So my thinking is that maybe MAYBE certain growing conditions produce more or less of a hormone as the plant is taking form.

I would really love to do a few controlled side by side tests one day and if I had the equipment I would be doing a lot deeper testing.



Hey brother. You’re not too late. Looks like procrastination finally paid off. I have done nothing with bleach and didn’t know any of that about it. Thanks for that knowledge bomb. Very cool.



Some times I have to remind myself that they are actually growing.

35 days in veg

27 days in veg


So when you gonna flip these guys?

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I’m thinking about giving them another 2 weeks. I really wanna get this show on the road, but I also don’t wanna cheat myself by being impatient. It’s already been 7 months to this point.


No for sure. thats what I did got super impatient was like it’s been 50 something days the stretch will make up for it “ lol , then they proved me wrong and didn’t stretch for shit.

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this is crazy frustrating for me. At 35 days veg I’m used to my plants busting this room at the seams.

Do you have a recommendation for veg time or do you go by a particular size on this one?

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Man not for real, I’m not real familiar with hydro. I ran mine in soil I got about .5 stretch I didn’t even get a 1:1 . Still pulled a couple zips per plant but they were only like 2-3 foot tall. I was super surprised by how much they didn’t stretch.

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There has to be a happy medium between those beasts that were 6 or 7 months old and what I have going on right now. :rofl:

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Day 41. Just like that they started bushing out at a decent pace


If this growth keeps up, I’ll probably flip in another 19 days at day 60.

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