Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Yeah, idk. I’ve heard the song a lot, but just recently watched the video. I was wondering where he was also…


Gotta be honest I was more of a g unit type kid lol


Brother. When you are using a Rez like that or cloner etc. add 1-2 drops of bleach per gallon of water, trust me it sounds crazy (I didn’t do it for years even after being told to by someone I idolize in the industry) then 2-3 years ago I did…. Never see algae, rot, funky water , nothing! I do it in my clone tray water, water cuts sit in , aerocloners, anything . It only improves every method, truly


That’s what’s up. Does that low dose of bleach not interfere with microbial stuff like fish shit? I would assume not.


Bleach concentrate? Or is that too strong?

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I’m not 100% positive about the fish shit/foop but I found it still allowed microbial mass/ chito-sal to function properly


I just use regular Clorox , and I have these 2 gallon RO jugs I use for hand watering. I’ll fill with whatever whatever if Ro I don’t but if tap water I let sit 24 hours, then I use my measuring drippers (pippettes) and do 2 drops at a time until my desired amount. I actually learned this from @schwaggyp he even has a tutorial on this on RIU I found out a couple years back. He’s one of my favourite breeders, no joke I hold him in extremely high regard, everything he’s told me , has been stellar advice, I’ve learned 1/3 of my breeding/selection and general growing stuff from him. I take anything he says as gospel tbch


Nice. To be honest, I’ve been rethinking fish shit at all. Like it’s not nutrient, it’s to help with the uptake of nutrients from soil. I don’t use soil either. It’s just nutrient water solution coming into direct contact with the roots. Is my line of thinking correct or is it still beneficial in some way?


I think I’m gonna try it in my cloner. I seen some algae growing in that mf


This is the absolute best spot for it and the first I used it for, since I’ve added it to any standing water, even if agitated somewhat I find it’s of great importance and I’ve never seen adverse affects once yet. Although I’m sure if you upped the ratio much you’d see some carnage but at this high dilution rate it makes it just enough to kill the pathogens etc.


These plants are looking busted right now. I bullshitted on getting them out of their little pots. I washed their roots off successfully, but there was way to much root mass that came out the bottom of them. When I tried to fish the root mass back through those holes, they were breaking off in big chunks left and right. The good news is they aren’t dying. They are taking a while to regrow that lost root mass, however.

So in the meantime, who wants to play a game?


Nipples McKenzie :rofl::rofl:

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Omelette nipples ewwww

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Elongated and Pinchable Milky Danglerz

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Squirt Cobain


Lil Nip :rofl:

Ten characters

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Nipple hustle :rofl::rofl:

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2 Nipz, formerly known as Titty Boi…


That might be the winner :rofl::rofl:

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It took almost no imagination whatsoever, it’s like dude named himself just to have this joke made about him. :stuck_out_tongue:

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