Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Oh yeah I know, that’s why I laughed so hard, it just fits so perfectly :rofl::rofl:

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Woke up to no power again. The best we can tell is power went off possibly earlier than 5 am and didn’t get fixed until a little after 9 am. So the girls got some sleep. Good.

All of the Goji OGs are doing great after getting their feet ripped off during repotting. I should have topped them like 4 or 5 nodes ago but didn’t want to cause any additional stress.

Two of my cousins plants are showing signs of female preflowers. Noice.

Here are some candid shots of the recovering ladies.


They look good. Pluck those yellow ones even better. :sunglasses:

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The weather bad out your way? It’s storming pretty good here.

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Nah it’s been nice all day. Most storms that look like they are gonna smash us split around the swamp and regather to wreck Chesapeake and Portsmouth.

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I’m gonna do some maintenance tomorrow. Get rid of those unsightly yellows and take the girls tops off.

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I like to FIM the first topping when they are young like that. One and done.

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Fuuuck em :rofl::rofl:

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DWC grows some beasts. Are those buckets hooked up to a res or something for easy switch outs?

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Yep. That’s usually the plan at 6 nodes. Pull the branches down slightly to open up the center of the plant. Promotes mega bushing. I did some experimenting on my last run where I topped and then topped the tops again. I wasn’t really a fan. The plants ended up being over 5 feet tall on some stupid shit and were super unmanageable. They didn’t yield that great either which was a super let down.

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They all ebb n flow back into a main res every two hours. I usually see some huge growth by this time but they are recovering from some nasty abuse on my part. Maybe another two weeks and I’ll be searching for more room. Haha.

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Yeah, I really only topped the 5 in the gauntlet because of height issues. I prefer only FIM’ing the once like I did the 90’s Kush.

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Ohhhh, clever setup. Nice!

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I’ve been dying to get into a dwc setup but I’m scared to have that kind of water circulating around like that on the second floor. My wife was really like “you need to build a facility in the back yard,” and my nipples legit got hard. Lol


Just do a pop up building. Snap together.

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Definitely need a pond liner in the room if there’s DWC or RDWC. Haha A separate spot out back would be even better if you’ve got the material/funds for it. Building your own custom grow building out back would be fun.

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I think the goal is to get it permitted and everything with it’s own meter as a workshop/office for the business. My parents had floated the idea about building an inlaw suite a few years ago but I don’t think they are serious about it anymore. They don’t like country living. What ever. Have fun in Ft. Myers lol.

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Ft Myers is nice. If they own a house there, it’s probably worth some money these days. Prices have gone nuts. I used to go down to Captiva/Sanibel/Englewood quite a bit. If you’re into fishing or golf it’s a great spot!

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Yeah my grandparents lived in Ft Myers my entire life. I spent my childhood shipped down there every summer. Not a bad way to grow up. Spent a lot of time on Sanibel Island with my grand dad growing up.

I was just looking at their condo value. They are gonna do just fine when they sell that one. My parents that is. Grandparents are both gone.

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Hard getting insurance down in FL these days, and what is available is super expensive.