Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I had one cooking but I didn’t. :rofl:


I have no jokes.

But anything that is 85 cents a can is suspicious.


Yeah I’d agree with that

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“Everything in moderation.” …Is what old people say. :laughing:

A little weed, a little alcohol, a little bacon, a little chocolate. There are plenty of enjoyable substances (and experiences) to be enjoyed. Doing them in moderation allows us to savor the flavor/experience more, IMHO.



pH raised itself right back up to where it started yesterday after getting nutes mixed in. So weird. Res temps were at 74. Thank god there’s only 7 more days of this.


You know you love the stress :rofl: after you chop them down you’ll feel all sad and depressed like I do probably.


There are 86400 seconds in a day.


Your math checks out.

604,800 seconds to go, give or take 8500.

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You’re thinking a leap day


You wanna see stress? I’m gonna try And start a grow in the middle of July!


Oh yeah not me overloaded :rofl:

Have you thought about your next round? More bubba?

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I am starting a grow not knowing if I can finish it. I don’t care. I just want to grow.


You’re a mad man.

@HomegrownVABudz I’m thinking about starting that @DougDawson sour grape bog repro. Also looking into getting a chiller for the reservoir. Solving all my summer time woes one piece at a time.


Nice. That’d be killer. You’ll get it nailed down in no time

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I hope. I think all of my problems are boiling down to various heat issues in flower. I think getting a whole room exhaust and a chiller should put me back in the game year round.

Do they have any chillers on that auction you have been following?

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Thats not a bad idea to look into. I didn’t see anything like that the first go around, but it looks like theyve been adding new stuff.

Looks like their auction site is still all fucked up and not taking bids. They have a lot of 6 commercial HVAC units to heat or cool buildings. No water chillers though. They have a few water fountains for sale that I might try to pick up for novelty purposes around the yard.

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Really surprised they don’t have any chillers listed, with all that equipment . Maybe they just haven’t got to them yet

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Who knows. The units they have might be big enough to chill those 90,000 gallon tanks they have for sale. I’m gonna fuck around and do a 90k gallon rdwc in the backyard. 40 ft tall trees :joy:

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