Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Okay. This is wild. This is why I think they might be time travelers. One was explaining to me about how he was the supreme Court of the operation. He informed me that if any of the kids were found guilty, they would have to be slaves for 4 or 5 days. Holy shit. But they went on to say that for 1 piece of candy they could get legal representation from an autistic kid named dirt eating dan. For 5 pieces of candy they could get legal representation from smart Nathaniel. And I chimed in “And as long as the supreme Court gets the candy, it doesn’t really matter if they are innocent or guilty.” And their smiles got big and heads started bobbing up and down.

OMG biscuits. The 9 year olds are mirroring real life. Our system of doing things might have been invented by 9 year olds.


Apparently they are gonna be loaded down with candy.


Hey at least they got a hustle, finalize it all of with soem paper work for a legal contract and they in business!

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Listen. I had to break a a Ponzi scheme one year. It was those rubber band bracelets as currency.

The girls at his school are running protection. Betcha Nates girl has that whole side of the playground blocked off.


These children are savages and I don’t ever want them to be in charge of anything.

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Lol. I was secretly thinking to myself “I can work with this. With the right nudging in the right direction, these monsters might end up being titans of industry.”


I could probably pull these plants tomorrow, but I’m gonna let them go the full 70 at this point. Branches are starting to fold in half from the weight. In the future, these plants definitely need to be in a net.


Hell yeah, the first suspension I ever took in school was for running poker games and selling candy in the different home rooms. Gotta learn to hustle young. Make the system work for them.


That’s what I’m talking about. :joy: These kids need guidance. I feel like they need to reign it in a little bit. The supreme Court legal representation candy cult scheme is a little advanced for 9. I feel like they’re gonna blow it. They have plans to dig a hole to keep the guilty slaves in and a tarp to cover them with. They already have the tarp. Fucking Catholic school.


Lol they got a hole and a tarp?

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Yeah they got the tarp. Stage two is to dig the hole and I’m pretty sure they said they were just gonna have the slaves dig the hole. I think they plan on doing all of this on the schools property. Part of me really wants to see how this plays out.


Oh true shit, they got a flock if they have the people digging their own hole to get in.

Get them to call it a social experiment and see if they can get the school to sponsor it.


Stanley Milgram…


@JOHN1234 was that the guy that did the prison experiment with people picked to be guards and prisoners?

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I’m over here crying laughing cuz these boys are thick built too. They are gonna be a real fuckin problem when they realize no one is moving them out of the way.

Hahaha. Bruh. They were telling me how they have to pay between $1-$10 to dress down in pajamas or wear flip flops and shit. They said it was real suspicious how they had a dress down week and then all of a sudden the teachers had a new 80 inch TV in the lounge and a new stove and all kinds of other nice shit. I asked them why Jesus didn’t give the teachers the money for all that shit. They said Jesus doesn’t have any money. I said bullshit. You see people put cash in that little plate for Jesus every Sunday. What the fuck is Jesus doing with all that money? They got that look on their face like they got played.




Doesn’t that make it our time? :joy:


You would make a great staff sponsor

If they blow the teachers racket they are going to have a hard couple of years. Instead they could shut their mouths and hussle some more jeans passes and maybe I’ll let them sit in there with me during my lunch.

I guarantee Nate’s girl is in there, getting vending machine soda and hearing all the teacher gossip

Got to play the game my boys