Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Yo. I made a temp vent when we first moved in here. It was only meant to be temporary. Wait til I grab a picture of this horse shit.

Open window. Metal tape. Screen up. Plywood.


Bought a new washer and dryer a little bit ago. Told the delivery guys I’d finish hooking up the hoses and stuff. Had no clue what this extra hose that split out was for. Found out the dryer now has a water line for steaming or something. Had some water shoot out and I figured it out. Haha


Oh snap. It’s an update.

The girls have made a full recovery finally and have at least doubled in size since last week. The Goji OG crew is looking large and in charge

Here is a group shot of the block heads. They are staying short and stout. We will see what kind of stretch they do when the 12/12 gets in that ass.

And look at 2 of these GOJI ladies showing a little leg


Hilarious, those fuckers do everything but blow ya now…


Just bought a GE all in one washer dryer, should be here by the weekend… doesn’t even need a vent. Runs off of 120 also. @ColeLennon


plants are really getting their grow on now @Indicana_Jones, love the color on that stem. This grow show is getting in gear now


Yeah I really fucked them up for a few weeks by “pruning” their roots. They really kicked off over the last 7 or 8 days. I keep missing days watering my cousins plants. As soon as I get them to perk back up I think I’m gonna flip these into flower. Probably middle to end of this week. At that point i should be pretty straight to have to water his plants every day and not get messed up watering every other day.


Man. I’m starting to feel like a broken record about these power outages in my area. I don’t mind the temps in the house but this still ass air is garbage.


I hate still air. They have some battery powered work fans and stuff these days though, if you have some extra cash and it’s a regular thing in your area.

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It’s so weird. This isn’t usual. It’s like the power company isn’t taking care of any of its easements and branches are just falling on the power lines all over the neighborhood.


We have had the same issues in Missouri all summer they keep blaming it on the heat. But is frustrating when you look down the street and your street is out but two streets over have power.


Awesome brother! Now they are off to the races! Nothing like deep water to get explosive growth once established! I would get sometime 4-6 inches a day, nuts!


For sure. I’m gonna top off the res tomorrow and flip these plants into flower. If the powers gonna keep going out anyway :joy:


That’s the worst ever. That kinda stuff used to happen all the time during hurricane season. On the phone with the power company like “hey WTF is going on fellas?”

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Bruhs. I just finished rewiring all of my lights downstairs. Tomorrow is gonna be interesting. The back corner of my kitchen drops about 1 1/2" over 3 feet so I’m gonna tear out the floor and probably replace a couple of the joists. While the floor is open I’m going to move this old cast iron main stack. Pictures to come.


You gonna change the stack to pvc? Also when you say replace the joist like sister them or full on jack the floor and replace single beams?

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Soooo. I got one of them old brick framed houses. The joists sit in pockets in the brick. So I should be able to sawzall them off at the center support under the house and just throw a new one in. I don’t know what I’m really gonna get into when I get down there. Probably actual sized lumber. I’d assume 2x8 or 10 so I’ll have to get 2x10s or 12s and RIP them down to size. I can’t wait bro. Hahaha.


Maybe I should just sister up the joists. I have no idea until I get it opened up and can see whats going on.


Also yes. Gonna swap out cast iron with PVC and move it over a couple of feet so it’s not all in the middle of the damn way.


Ooo do take pics that’s gonna be a good one. I hope it all goes well. I start stuff going in with a plan then hit the well while I’m here stage lol. Just had to do a bunch of subfloor in the back bedroom. Still need to paint the closet slide doors.

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