Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Yeah, I gotta see this one. :open_mouth:
Sure wish I had your kinda time, lol.
Pics please! :wink:


Sounds like fun, I can’t wait to see all when complete. You are a go getter brother! Love it

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Fuggggg. Of course there is a layer of asbestos flooring in my way. Gotta pump the brakes for today and go get some plastic sheeting, tyvek suits and the like.


Awwww just get a ole handkerchief and cover your nose and mouth and go at ole school style…:grinning::grinning::grinning:


Haha. Hells nawl. I just hit up my homie that owns his own asbestos abatement company and he hit me with $1600. I don’t think that outrageous, but it’s not in the budget.


Jesus. I forgot all about this. I worked for a guy years ago doing random home repair stuff. We were installing a back door on a house. The door is a little too big to fit in the old door hole. So my man gets out a skill saw and just starts ripping away at the asbestos siding covering his face in the ditch of his elbow blowing a cloud of asbestos smoke down the block. I called some one to come pick me up and that was that. He was really like what’s the big deal. I’m not touching you or riding near you or nothing. Peace.


Yeah I hear you. That stuff is no joke.

“Hey lift that really heavy thing.”
“Are you going to pay my bills while I’m bedridden from a hernia?”
“Then no.”


I eat asbestos for breakfast Hawwcckkk


Hell yeah. Come over. I’ll grab you by your ankles and do the wheel barrow run and you can chow down as we go. :rofl:

It’s all you can eat.


I used to work for a removal company, that was no joke. We did Brock University when they expanded etc. That place had asbestos everywhere! Walls, ceiling tiles, doors and in the floors. We removed tractor trailer after tractor trailer. That was insane, too many close calls I only lasted a year or so, good money but 27$ ain’t worth my life, not even 18 years ago.


Yeah man. I’m not cut out to do hazmat work. I’m way too much of a hypochondriac for that. Let me sneeze funny one time. That’s that. I’ve got the black lung or whatever.


Alright. Just changed the res out and cut the lights off to 12/12. Day 1 of flower is upon us.


Bahaha that’s me exactly, I’m pretty bad too lately. Stupid anxiety doesn’t help either


Now we’re off to the races! Bloom time baby!


I worked for a landscaping company one, and we did some hardscape stuff, patios, water features, firepits, etc

One day we had to move an 800 lb granite step for the step-down out of the house, and we couldn’t get the machines close enough to put a strap on it. So alpha macho boss man starts asking who wants to carry the other end…

I’ll just say that sometimes steel toe boots are a bad idea.


I set a restaurant on fire twice too, I’ll try and post up those stories too lol

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Funny that big boss man didn’t want to do it himself.

I had one that didn’t want to make a difficult cut himself so asked me to do it. This wasn’t even a construction gig it was an in-house office remodel because they were to cheap to pay a real construction crew.

I did. I was close to within acceptable tolerance, nothing a bead of caulk couldn’t handle, and he starts bitching.

I was holding a saw. And I looked at it.


:laughing: ten little indians


In retrospect I should have pulled the trigger both to drown him out and for dramatic effect but it’s one of those things you think of one second too late.


We didn’t have a fryer, so there was a cast iron on my station 3/4 filled with fry oil…

I had to fry tortillas to make these little cups for lobster tacos, I’d get up a few taco shells right before service…

I’m in the back cleaning lanb racks, and there’s soup and stocks going on, and my little fry pot gets buried in the back…

A knob gets bumped somehow in the preservice hustle and bustle…

Next thing I know, “hey breadwinner, come here real quick” says my buddy from the hot line where all this is happening

Fry pot is on fire, flames licking the inside of the hoods.

We were lucky the ansul system didn’t go off

I capped the violently rumbling pot and carefully walked it out back…

But that was a close one

The other story is an even closer call

Edit: I’ll put the other story in the funny job story thread, I forgot where I was for a second there @Indicana_Jones lol…my bad