Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I was chiseling tile off a concrete floor and found a 1/4” flexible copper pipe that had been used as a gas line for a dryer. I know this because of the vent.

I smelled gas. I thought I was going to blow up the house.

Turns out it had been disconnected from the source and the smell was just residual but it scared the shit out of me.


Haha. Don’t even worry about it. I prefer people in here bullshitting about whatever. My updates on the plants are occasional at best and will probably stay that way. Its way too much for me to have any kind of staggered grow with my work schedule and house remodel.


I know what you mean, holding down a full time job and full house remodel doesn’t leave much time for much else. Right now I have fireplace tile project going on, kitchen backsplash and under shelf lighting project, and more recessed lighting and lighting for island to install, then I start the bathrooms


You know I’m trying to see that when it’s completed.

So I just got off the phone with the asbestos homie and he’ll be here tuesday morning. I asked him since Monday is my bday if they had any kind of discounts going. He said he would knock off $200. I lol’ed and told him not to worry about it. I’m just gonna have to chuck this cost onto the CC. And keep pushing forward.


Jesus. I’ve been so focused on asbestos day, I forgot it was my birthday today until my mom’s homie texted me this afternoon. Haha. Thanks barb.


Happy birthday! Hope you get to enjoy the rest of the day however you’d like. I’ve been thinking about asbestos ever since you posted about it. Nasty nasty stuff. I’ve been scoping doorways and stuff of any old places I’ve been in since. Haha


Thanks man. Haha. I constantly have project managers sending me to do popcorn repairs. My first question is always when was it built? Okay have you tested it for asbestos? No? No thank you man. Call me on the next one.


Happy birthday brother!:cake:


Thanks broski.


Happy Birthday, Bud!

Hope you have time for some R&R today :slight_smile:

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Thanks man. The whole day was R&R. I legit got out of bed three times. Once to take a shower, once to go to Arby’s, and once to go get bday donuts.


Some ole man’s B-Day in here. Happy B-Day. Not sure how old you are but I know you are not twelve. :rofl:

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I’m that in between age where I’m not an old man yet but I’m also no spring chick. +1


Add 12 and there you go. At this point I’m just glad my pecker still wakes before me.


Happy birthday dude, sorry super late to the party!!

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Lol, forgetting your own birthday…classic!
Funny thing is, I was about to do the same until today when my mother asked what I wanted to do for mine this weekend, hehe. There’s my reminder.
Happy birthday bud. Congratulations on another successful go around on this spinning space rock! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You’re right on time. Thanks brother.

@blowdout2269 :joy: for real neither me nor my wife make a big fuss about birthdays and we aren’t religious so we have cancelled any other commercialized corporatized holiday.

We have discussed starting our own holidays that are more suited to our lifestyle and maybe they will catch on. Talk to people like “what do you mean you don’t celebrate St. Frogbottoms Day?”


That’s hilarious. What about Festivus?
Beginning with the airing of grievances! :rofl:

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Haha. 100% there’s no time like the present to start being as off the wall weird as you wanna be.


belated happy birthday!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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