Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I enjoy St. Frogbottoms Day more than I enjoy St. Toadtoppers Day, that’s for sure :rofl:

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And who wouldn’t. Everyone loves drinking ginger ale mixed with green sherbet that represents the scummy pond water that frogs hatch out of and leaving their shoes outside of their bedroom door for st. Frogbottoms to fill with chocolate gold coins!


God damnit! I’m sorry brother. Happy belated birthday, I was lost in conversation with @PatHealy for hours on end…. We get real deep
Then I got some bad news and never came back on.
Hope your day was as awesome as you are homie!


You’re all good brother. I appreciate it if it were a week later, I still have family I haven’t heard from :joy:



My homie left the air scrubber here to run over night in the containment area. Should be good to go tearing up this subfloor tomorrow!


Also peeked in on my plants today. It’s not so great. It looks like I’m 3/3 males on the block heads.

I’m also seeing 3/8 females on the Goji OG. The rest are undetermined. A few more days in flower and I’m gonna start choppin heads.


Alright. I got one female in the blockheads. My cousin on the other hand got 5 out of 6 females. Right now I’m hitting like 4 out of 11. Gonna give it a few more days and hope some of these undetermined start showing pistils soon.


In other news.

It looks like my man set up my plumbing to be super easy for him to come back and tie back into down the road when this stack needed to be moved.

Now I’m gonna do it cuz I still haven’t heard back from them on a price.

Look at this tangle of shit. I’m not fixing to fool with none of it. Once this cast iron stack is moved and these floor joists are leveled out, I’m closing this hole up and under the house is dead to me.


Screw underneath houses. Always such a cluster*%#! and sketchy feeling down there.


“Let’s just pretend we didn’t see that…”

I hear ya :joy:


Came for the funky grow room set-up, kept going through the germination termination, and caught up on the home repairs. (As a former contractor, I can appreciate your handiwork.) This thread has it all!!!

I’m impressed at how quickly your plants got up and running, once you got 'em to pop. I planted a couple of seeds three weeks ago (in organic soil), and they’re nowhere near as lush as yours were after only a couple of weeks.

I guess that’s attributable to your grow medium.(?) Or maybe the difference in strains we’re growing.(?) Come to thnk of it, the plants I’ve got going now (Strawberry Cough) seem to be slower growing than either of the other strains I’ve grown.

Anyway, I’ll be rooting for you! Good luck with the remodeling project too. :+1:


Don’t wanna speak for the man but you gotta fertilize early. I’ve made that mistake before. Many times.

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Yes indeed. Fertilize early and fertilize often. I’d love to attribute the plants growth to my ultimate prowess in the garden but I’m gonna give it up for the 24 hour lights on and the plants being fed every 2 hours like clock work. I start seedlings off with like a 10% dose of their steroids and once they get to like 8 inches they get blasted at beyond full force for the remainder.

I actually tried dialing back on my nutes cuz even to my tastes, it felt aggressive. Let’s just say the plants want more. Next res change I’m going back to heavy handing these plants.


I guess I was/am concerned about making my starter soil too “hot” for seedlings. I thought they were supposed to have enough energy in the seed, and not need a lot of additional nutrients.

Mine are growing – to the point where I’ve started adding a bit of fish guts and more worm castings. But they’re definitely not as vigorous as yours.

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Soil is a way different beast than hydroponics. I never did get the hang of growing in dirt.


Soil will never be as vigorous as dwc/RDWC EVER


My growth rates were 5x the speed in RDWC easily


Well well well. Guess who just ran out of likes again :heart:

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Crap. I just realized I won’t be taking a shower tonight until I get this plumbing all tied back in.


Better get moving. :sunglasses: :metal: