Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

If I was doing a quick pickling or something I would.

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That’s more or less what it is lol

I worked in so many restaurants, pizza places, and whatnot. Biggest thing people don’t do at home is season all of their toppings/ingredients individually before adding them to dishes. Especially salads and pizzas. Also, many don’t remove enough moisture from their pizza toppings at home and even pizza places these days before putting them on the pizza.


To remove moisture of toppings do you air dry or like pat dry? Your pizza looked killer

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Thanks!! Most things I let sit in the colander for a bit, season them, the salt helps bring out more moisture, and then wrap them in paper towels and squeeze as much moisture out as possible. Other things, like tomatoes for a Trenton tomato pie or something I’d put in a rice colander after crushing with my hands, salt them, let them sit 20-30 minutes, shake them around in the colander to get more moisture out, give
them another squeeze with my hands, toss them into a bowl, season them the last time with everything you’d like to use, let them sit another 20 or so minutes, then move the tomatoes to one side of the bowl and tip it so the moisture runs to the other side.


Strain store bought ricotta with cheese cloth for a while if using as well. Always season ricotta before putting on pizza. Making your own is also super easy and the best way to get it nice and low moisture.

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Excellent advice and sincerely appreciate it!!! There are no good pizza places round me so trying to pick up making my own. Only way I feel ill “scratch that itch” for a good pizza. Any 30 min pizza dough recipe will do? Sorry to bug but your black olive pizza pic is exactly what I need!!:beers::fire::fire::fire:

No problem at all. Dough is all about messing around with types of flours, water to dough ratio, rise time, and figuring out what works best for you and in your oven.

Basic dough:
-Lukewarm water

Using olive oil helps a lot for home pizzas. Use fine salt for making dough.

I’d go with:
-153 grams AP flour (you can get 00 flour and mess around with that if you’d like as well, but it’s pricey)
-153 grams bread flour
-4 grams EVOO
-2 grams active yeast
-220 grams of lukewarm water
-Salt is up to you. 2 grams or up to 8. See what you like. Different rise times and all too.

-Use 200 grams of the water to mix the yeast and olive oil.
-Mix the flours and salt together with a whisk or fork.
-Pour the liquid into the flour mix. Make a well in the center of the flour and all of that.
-Knead it well. Most people don’t knead the dough well enough. Get your knuckles in there and keep basically folding it in on itself.
-Let rest 15 minutes. Throw a damp kitchen towel over it while it rests.
-Knead it again just as much.
-Cut in half and roll into two balls. You make the balls by sort of pushing the dough through a circle made by your thumb and trigger finger. Keep sort of pinching the end of the ball that’s not smooth and stuffing it inside the ball. Once you have a nice ball place the stuffed end down in a bowl. I’d say coat the bowl in EVOO first. Then throw a damp kitchen towel or cling wrap over the bowl.

Mess around with rise times. 2-3 day cold rise dough is best, but who has time for that at home usually?? That dough recipe probably wouldn’t rise a ton with a thirty minute rise, but some extra yeast and letting it do its final rise in the oven with the light on would help.

Edit: Extra water is for adding to dough if it gets too dry while working it. Always flour your surfaces and hands when working with dough too. Stuff is sticky at first. Haha. To help get crispy crust with just home ovens, I’d recommend par baking the crusts after giving them a heavy brushing of EVOO before adding sauce and toppings.


Thank you very much for these stupid proof directions and measurements seriously going to hit store tomorrow to top off ingredients and enjoy a proper pizza!! Sincerely appreciate you taking time to post up answers to my questions :+1::beers::fire::fire::fire:cannot wait to give it a go tomorrow

No worries at all!! Hope it turns out perfectly for you.

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The path you set me on is legit I think after a couple I will have it dialed in!! Thankfully as it has been a key missing life ingredient for a few. Cheers again and really appreciate your time and knowledge

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You’re definitely welcome. I’m out of likes, so don’t think I was being rude. Haha.

Cheese mix: 60-80% part skim mozzarella, 10-20% sharp white cheddar, 10-20% non-smoked provolone

Season after pizza comes out of oven: Parmesan, garlic salt, onion powder, oregano, red pepper flakes

Quick uncooked (authentic) pizza sauce:
-Canned San Marzano tomatoes
-Fresh basil
-Minced garlic

Just mix it all together in a food processor and it’s ready to go.

More American style quick sauce:
-Canned San Marzano tomatoes
-Minced garlic
-Fresh basil
-Dried oregano

Sautée the garlic in the EVOO until fragrant. 2-3 minutes. Add the tomatoes and then season with everything else. Don’t cook it too much or it becomes pasta sauce, but also mess around with different sauces. Maybe you like a more cooked sauce and so on.


I just made sourdough pizzer dough today! 13 hour rise and in the fridge it went.

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Nice!! Now that’s the way to do it proper. I can’t wait to build a brick pizza oven in the backyard and get to making some real pizzas again.

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That would be neat. I would like to have one someday…saw a real cool one on here someone did on the side of their house…I love homemade pizza. So easy and the sour dough is just sooo good



Nice!!! Making me hungry. Bad time to be out of likes. Haha


I know how it feels been there plenty. Enjoy the pizzer porn! See ya around bud.


Lots to catch up on since yesterday. Food lol. Unfortunately Sprouts didn’t have anymore of those melons and I couldn’t find someone who knew the name of them… the cantaloupe honeydew hybrid thing. I did get some golden dewlicious honewdew. Those are pretty yummy too!

Edit: Coda mention hotdogs. I used to LOVE pineapple and hotdogs. Later turned into ‘Hawaiian dogs’. Some teriyaki, pineapple and hotdog on a bun


Pineapple and hotdogs? Your making me day dream about the galaxy diner up in Richmond again.

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