Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Haven’t had chocolate milk in ages. I went on a yoo-hoo kick a few years ago.


I only have white rice, I may be a ablle to cook some up with a little taco seasoning in there.


Bruh yoo-hoo is delicious. It’s in its own category.


You got any limes? Make your rice, squeeze in some lime juice and bam that’s all need


Hah. Cool. I thought I was gonna get shit on. Fake chocolate milk drinkin ass! Boo this man!


Some fresh cilantro in that rice too. Mmmm.


Hey Yoo hoo os some good shit! It’s not milk but it’s not bad.

Also I have no lime

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It’s chocolate drink! Not chocolate milk.

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I have a story with Yoo-Hoo, or however it’s spelled. Poor growing up and all, but my mom liked Yoo-Hoo and it was special when we got it. I always thought it was good chocolate milk. Also, my mom’s a health freak, so I never looked at the ingredients or anything as a kid. Then, it wasn’t something I drank as a teenager much or anything. Well, I’m out in LA with some people I think are cool and all and they absolutely shit on and broke down how gross Yoo-Hoo was to me. I was so glad I didn’t have one in my hand at the time, but I was soooo pissed and it has always stuck with me. It gave me this thing where I never like to belittle or judge anyone’s food choices. We all grow up differently and that heavily shapes our tastes and the comfort we associate with certain types of food. I hate food bullies. Haha


Oh yeah nah I was pissed when the started using smaller bottles. They’re getting like everyone else.

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That’s so wild. I had a thing when I was an early teen about eating in front of people when no one else was eating. It was a weird embarrassment to the point where I would take a bite of a candy bar when no one was looking. :joy: @PatHealy over here unlocking repressed childhood food trauma memories.


Dude I went to a party and some dude called me out for having snacks in my pocket. I’m yeah bruh I’m doing dabs, imma get hungry wtf? :rofl:


I know I’m old now, because I’m over here thinking what type of broke ass party doesn’t have a big spread of party food out. Haha.


Shiiit! Yoohoo… however it’s spelled lol was so f’n good! I have’t seen or heard of those in so long. That and those New York selters in those small stubby glass bottles. yumm

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:joy: I know that’s right. I get a call from the homie and he’s like you coming by to so and so’s tonight? I dunno. What’s the spread look like? We’re out here BBQing for 20. I’m on my way!

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There was a dude, he’s dead now, who became a little local legend and legit got awesome job opportunities by starting to show up at our parties with 100-200 cheeseburgers and fries from McDonalds or hundreds of tacos and bean burritos from Taco Bell. Shit was like God had just come down from heaven sometimes when I’d see him come in and I was so wasted and hungry. Haha


buahahah! i needed that laugh

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I use the word party loosely lol, but it was a bunch of stoners getting together lol


I’m out of likes, not just a prick.


We need more people like that.