Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Give this man a raise! That’s the home Depot way!


Lol. This guy fucks!


“I guess I’ll fucking take up archery” is my favorite lol


Home depots tree farm…:grinning::grinning::grinning:


Not enough orange


@Indicana_Jones l Iol you guys are too much, that was a fun little string of messages you guys had rolling on the boo thread.

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Haha. Man, luckily my losses were only emotional :sob:


On the bright side at least that thread is becoming fun again, people starting to joke around and what not.

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Yeah true dat. It was all fire and brimstone for a while.

I got an unrelated question. I’ve been drying this harvest for 11 days now. Temps are down at 61° but humidity is up around 68. Do you think the humidity in the room is from the plants or is it too humid outside from all this rain and these plants will never dry all the way out until I do something about the RH?


To have loved and lost, tis better than to have never loved at all. :laughing:


They will dry fine in 68-70 just be moving the air. Doesn’t have to be a fan right on them tho.


Do you feel a rise in humidity when you walk in the room?

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Probably a combo between the 2

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Nah not really. But maybe I can’t tell cuz it’s cold as fuck :joy: it’s literally 12° cooler than the rest of the house in there.

@Hashpants air is stirring with multiple fans. Waiting for those stems to start snapping. They gotta be getting close. They just kinda fold over without that satisfying little pop.

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has the humidity dropped in the room since you put the plants in there or has it stayed the same?


I’m not the best person to be asking these questions. I’m pretty sure if I remember correctly, it’s been fluctuating between low 60ish and 70ish

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Where I dried 2 seasons ago it was 65-70 rh and a small fan. It took 12 to 17 days to proper dry. Lately I just squeeze them , if the sugar leaves are crunchy and the bud springs back and don’t stay smashed. I throw them all in a tote to cure and turn them maybe once or twice over about a month. I use a rh meter in the totes and baggem at 60 rh in ziplocs , which I vacuum seal. If they go over 70 I leave the tote open for a couple days .


Have you tried those Grove bags yet @Indicana_Jones ?


Grove bags are great, I love those things for long storage.


Okay word. So on the outside I’m probably looking at another 5 days or so. That’s not the end of the world. Just wanna make sure I don’t fuck all this up at the very end due to all this damn rain all of a sudden.

Never used grove bags. Weed generally doesn’t hang around long enough for long storage but I do like the concept of them and maybe I should start putting it into long storage before I start sharing it with everyone. MFers are so impatient these days haha.