Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Drug dealers don’t do that either. That’s some weird white woman stuff


I worked for a lady who paid in cash. She was moving and we were working both houses. Came in one morning two detectives standing there. She had put a backpack of cash in a dresser for the movers to move. Needless to say, that shit was gone.


Yikes. I don’t have employees anymore because too many people have cameras in their houses and people like to snoop in places they don’t belong.

Haha. Which dude didn’t show up to work that day?


About half the crew called in sick the next day :rofl:


We were In the empty house still. The movers had a helluva party I imagine. 28k


Fucking woof. There was a time in my younger life I wouldn’t have thought twice about taking that bag an nobody would have known. I would have ditched the empty bag in the boss man’s truck and good luck explaining that shit away bitch :joy:

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…also why I don’t have employees


I got rid of mine about 8 years ago as well.

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Like on some real shit, why did you end up getting rid of your employees?

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They were morons, set off a sprinkler system throwing shit at one another. They came back to one job near dark and shot 2 deer with a .22 mag. The list is long.

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Haha. Shit. I can imagine. I worked out a deal with my guys that they could go home when they were done with the job and still get paid for the whole day. These fools started leaving 2 hours into the day and calling me 4 hours later like “whew boss. We been killing it all day.” Like I’m not gonna have an irate home owner calling me like “This looks like shit and your guys left 4 hours ago. Maybe you need to come check this out.”

I had another guy pull all of this ladies frozen food out of her freezer so he could put his 12 pack in there and have some ice cold beers for the drive home. I get a call from a project manager that was like “yo. Your guy forgot his beer in the people’s freezer. It exploded and all of their frozen food is ruined that he pulled out to fit his beer in there.”


I have never regretted firing someone. You never know how bad it is until you get out. Baby sitting grown people.


I 100% agree with this. I make just as much now by myself as I did with 8 employees. Just a whirlwind of fixing fuck ups, payroll and stress that I no longer have. Best I can do now is subcontractors.


I work alone ,or with one helper. Make the same money and no headaches. Go home when I want.


I’m about to abandon this ac unit. Having it vent outside is letting way too much of this humidity in. Walked in the room and that bitch was sitting at 77%

I guess I can finish this dry at 72° and a reasonable humidity.


I see you @SaintAliasKnife . I know I’m onto something when Ive lured you out of the discord :joy:


No possum or coon but I grew up eating a TON of wild rabbit and squirrel, among other things. People think eating squirrel is crazy, but you can make some damn good “pulled squirrel” sandwiches for the cost of a few .22 rounds. :wink:


I’ve passed a winter our two eating a lot of venison.


Venison I understand. There a substantial amount of meat there. Stuff like possum don’t seem worth the effort.

And I understand if you’re starving you’ll eat what you can get but I think my point is still valid lol


about the weird white woman shit? man…don’t get me started…:rofl: