Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Alrighy gents going to watch some more SAW then hit the sack. Early and long day tomorrow (can’t find the salute emoji)


Doakes was my man!!! Haha

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Honestly, don’t watch Restrepo. That shit is too much. Depressing shit. Most surreal moment of my life was sitting there watching it with him on my couch right next to me.

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Lol SAW is the movie you go to sleep to huh? Hopefully the original, personally still think that one was the best.

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I had a buddy that took a tour through the valley, he came back a little tweaked. He said the valley was one of the worst spots he was in.

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After sitting there watching it with him, that seemed like the worst tour possible. Started getting me pissed at other friends who also served in the military, but didn’t really do shit. I think the real dudes called them POGUEs or something like that, but they did the most talking about their tours and shit. Hanging out in Germany or never leaving Bagram and stuff. My buddy wouldn’t talk about it or anything and I’d always be like “Shut the fuck up!! You ate Pizza Hut and played volleyball on base. This bitch is fucked up for life and has a Silver Star.” Haha

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Hahaha Nice!!!

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You don’t need the laser grip, because you’re shooting out of hoodies. Haha


Oh shit. I just noticed that. Maybe I’m the one that got gyped. I like that little revolver. That +p spits a crazy fireball out of the barrel.


Night John boy.


Yeah they have all kinds of terms, but yeah pogue is one. Like blue flacons he used that one a lot. He used to love to talk shit about the Air Force on base and called them the chair force. He did say they where supposed to have a wicked sniper mos which I thought was odd, but he said the rest of them are paper pushers.

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I’d go play golf with them at MacDill a bunch and all of the guys I was friends with were Army or Marines and they all talked shit about the Air Force, but MacDill also had JSOC. So, there were quite a few bad ass dudes around there. Was always fun taking their money playing golf. Was funny to me that the greens fees are different for the different ranks and whatnot. Haha

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One of my buddies was a Marine married to a hot ass woman in the Air Force who worked at MacDill. They’d always say Air Force women are the most attractive.


:100: especially if they where running around in the JSOC stuff. That’s funny, my buddy up here did that for a bit, he has some crazy story’s and still has a bunch of different rounds from the various outing he went on. Like he kept a round from each outing.


Yeah, they’d keep rounds and those challenge coin deals. Some of the dudes that would come out to the orange grove I was living in for a while to shoot stole or got permission to keep their weapon from special operations. Those things were bad ass. I just remember one they said was called a SCAR Lite I think. I wanted that thing so badly. Haha

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Yeah for real they have some neat guns, now that he’s out he builds ar stuff for fun, but going out deer hunting with him is wild the setup is hilariously over kill.


Hahaha I bet. They get so into it with the guns. They’d play this game in the orange grove where two dudes would each set their phone out some crazy distance and each would get a shot at each other’s phone with a sniper rifle. Shooting upside down contests and stuff. Here I am some surfer, grad school and comedy writer failure guy with these maniacs. It was fun though. Haha


I don’t know if I can mention this on here, so I apologize if it’s against the rules, but at the time I had a bottle of LSD-25 from a buddy working in the UF lab. Well, my one good friend told all of the maniacs and they wanted to do it. I was sooo scared to do it with them. I made them let me lock all the guns up and stuff beforehand. Just about everyone of them got lost in the orange grove. Had to go find them in the morning in a Gator. They did not have a good time, just like I tried to tell them would happen. Haha


Hell yeah, when it comes to guns and that stuff they are super fucking smart. Like he started kicking out ballistic math at me one day and I had to stop him and was like dude I fail algebra 2. But yeah he was talking barely twist and the whole nine. Those guys have a skill set that’s very impressive on a technical sense.