Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

No kidding. Cousin taught me how to run wire when I redid upstairs. I can do simple switch to light. Outlet to outlet no problem. Don’t even look my way to do a 3 way switch or my brain will melt :joy:


The red plug and between that valve at the top is where the meter sits. That valve is how the city shuts ya off when you don’t pay the bill, hehe. These are the most common setter stands used in North America. You might have something different, but I’d chase it down a little further to get a look. There are a couple low profile straigh-ish ones, but those are mostly used in commercial. Its gotta be deep to beat frost. I had to dig up at least that much of mine when I replaced it. :angry:

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Oh yeah, screw electrical. I do not like power. :grimacing:
We’ll bury casting for the power company and pull mule tape, but that’s it. I won’t get in a live box.

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Imma go take another picture. Lemme show ya somethin.

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I can pop the lid on mine when I get home from work and send ya a pic also. :+1:

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IMPORTANT!- Do not bend or twist the setter to much while in the barrel. There might not be a good way to shut it off between your meter and the main!
Some cities are smart, and they put a curb stop valve(Tyler valve) in front of the meter barrel. That way they can change or service meters without shutting down a main. :wink:


This is that bullshit that has me crying right now.

I’m back tracking the cold line from the hot water heater because I know what direction the water is flowing. Then I hit a triple knuckle lol

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Wow, just wow.
That’s the kinda bullshit that was in my old house. It was built in the 40’s also. I ripped all that shit out and converted to PEX tubing. It’s still a mess, but its smaller and flexible lol.


Guess what dudes… I fucking found it. Front and center of the house. Offset about 20 feet from the meter.

All I had to do was cut an access hole into my my foyer floor to chase one damn pipe that disappeared behind duct work and some more shit. I also found a cut off valve in the front flower bed buried about 2 feet down.


Also found this right above where I’ve been working all day.

Gonna make me a belt I catch this big ass MFer slinking around


Holy hell! What part of the globe are you from?? I’d be a little concerned finding that lol out little Canadian snakes are like a worm compared to that!

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Oh shiiiiit :worried:


Mid Atlantic swamp critters. Sometimes they make their way into town. I’ve never seen a snake this big rolling around. This things every bit of 4-4 1/2 feet long.

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Little guy there. Haha

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Lol. I was legit just thinking about what y’all have. I took my wife to meet some family in Florida a few years ago. She didn’t know that gators just for real are kinda lurking all about. We went on a walk and I pointed out a little 2 foot puppy and she about jumped out of her skin.


Ugh…I’d be wondering where the what is that shed that coat! :grimacing:


Yeah. It obviously chills in the garage ceiling some how. Fuck man. I wonder how long it’s been hanging there and maybe it made its way on somewhere.

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Well at least that big sucker means that there prob aren’t any mice around!

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Yo. For real I’ve noticed a lot less squirrels in my yard this year.

Well, maybe a previous owner hung it there and just forgot about it, lol.

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