Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Snakes too :snake: oh boy! Now it’s getting REAL in here! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: OTR though, screw that shit!

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Bro. I bet he’s up in the ceiling to soak up some heat in the winter time or something. As long as that fool isn’t down in the crawl space while I’m down there. I should load up my revolver with snake shot if I have to go down there again.

@Indicana_Jones checklist before working on the house
Plumbing supplies. Check
Asbestos removed check
Tools check
Ghost of Steve irwin for personal protection. Check :grinning::grinning:
images (15)

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Hells yes. I summon the spirit of Steve Irwin to protect all who reside in this home from all swamp critters large and small!!!



You’ve got a little smudge on your face.

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Our motto…I’ve seen worse! :rofl:
Seriously though. If you can make it over a few of ribs on the fitting, and the ring is all the way on the fitting on a straight piece of PEX, you’re good to crimp. In that pic, I’d probably slide it down just a hair. Well, maybe it’s the camera angle. But you really should have like 1/8-1/4" on each side of the ring, but still on the fitting.
You didn’t buy a PEX crimping tool, did you?
Home depot and most plumbing stores rent them or let ya borrow. I guess u got a buddy too!

Oh yeah, my meter stand. Just grabbed a pic for ya.

I woulda got a better one, but this fat bitch was in there. Holy hell she is huge! My hand wasnt going any further, lol.


Oh hell’s nawl. I don’t blame you one bit. I’m not sticking my hand in there either. Yeah I’ve had a crimping tool forever. I mainly slid the ring up to the top of the PEX to show how off the angle was I cut it at. I have a pipe cutter but I cant find it so I ended up using a tube cutter with the little wheel. Since the PEX has a slight bend in it, all the cuts were slightly crooked.

Speaking of tools I started looking into all kinda specialized plumbing tools. Cast iron pipe breaker. Awwwwesome. $750? Not awesome :joy:

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PS I’ve never seen a meter shroud so clean. Every last one here is mucked full of mud for some reason. You’re digging out the cut off valve every time in an emergency

Yeah, that shits expensive! Plumbers have some cool tools though. I’ll have to show u one someday. Local canal company guy has something sweet.
A tube cutter will make a clean straight cut on PEX…if it’s still sharp. Just do little twists, rotate, little twist, and repeat. :wink:

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Lol, mine doesn’t even have a cut off valve at the base. Just the one on the top. Not even a corp stop on the main! Lmao if my shit blows I’m fucked. Its shutting off the main and digging up the street!

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Oh my God. Where do you get access to shutting water off to the whole street? I am a prankster at heart.

The valve box up the road. But, because of my profession, I got a good long key.
Yeah, when the water master told me that while I was redoing my service line…I was like wtf. I became very careful about how I was handling the meter stand(like I told you earlier, lol). Then the next day, I went and found all the street valves to isolate my street if ever need be.


So much valuable knowledge in here.


Yooo. Happy belated bday @blowdout2269


Why thank you my friend!

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Just got a picture of @Indicana_Jones working on his house…:grinning::grinning::grinning:

Lol just kidding saw this and thought it was pretty crazy


Yes that is fucking crazy. I’ve fixed my 60 degree roof using mountain climbing equipment but this is too crazy for me


What was crazy was I had to go down and get that 6 ft and set it on top of that horizontal ladder to reach the peak. Got the job done though and made enough to smoke crack all night off that one.


Yes this was my suspicion as well :scream:


My sentiments exactly judging by your setup ! :wink: sadly I’ve done some pretty sketchy shit in my painting career. Especially outdoor! Worst was painting a place called Jacks Cantina a long time friend owns here in Niagara Falls. I’m painting the moulding on the under side of the fascia about 45” in the air and the base was on a 3’by2’ concrete slab, all while tourists and I mean hundreds are walking by below steadily, taking pictures asking questions. I was leaning just picturing some idiot grabbing the ladder and me plummeting my way to a paraplegic. Never happened but I was scared to death . Did some crazy stuff to get jobs done but that was one of the craziest , especially cuz I had no spotter.