Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

That’s a LOT of house for the money! …Even though is a lot of money. But – as you know – owning a house like that is like owning a boat. Whatever the purchase price is, you’ve also got to budget a pretty good fraction of it for yearly upkeep.

A house like that ~should~ be a museum. Charging an entry fee might help cover the mortgage.

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I don’t care if an 8,000 sq ft place is perfectly restored, that’s way too much house to clean, cool, heat, and so on for me. Beautiful house though, not my style, but still amazing stuff.


I think years ago it was a bed and breakfast and was maybe featured on the history channel or something. That’s the only logical use for the home in my mind. I have no idea what the current owners are doing with all that house.

Unless… 9 bedrooms…

1- master bedroom
1- guest room
2- rooms for neices and nephews
1- room for wife to screw off in

That leaves me with

1 mother/veg room
2 flower rooms
1 drying processing room.

Next time that house goes up for sale it’s as good as mine! :joy:


8000 sq ft 1 plant per sq ft…

I was also going to say B&B.

I was in Calgary at a B&B and I happened to have a chat with the owner about the realities of running such a thing because it was something I thought I might do.

Her answer:

“Listen I don’t want to sound immodest but I’m a fucking millionaire. All I do is manage online traffic and bookings, wake up early and make breakfast for everyone (a nice one think hollandaise) and then do some laundry and a little cleaning and I’m done by noon and the rest of the day is mine.”

Sounds pretty good to me.


Ocean of green.

I’ve also given the bed and breakfast a consideration. Now that we are legal here, make it a cannabis friendly retreat. Wake n bake IS on the menu haha.

@PatHealy you gotta ball to live in that house as a single family home. I guarantee that house was never lived in or maintained without a full time staff.


The B&B I mention was in a major centre with lots of international business travel. Without that draw it might have been a financial nonstarter.

This lady though did so well that she bought the house right next door and doubled up.

Weed friendly might even be a disadvantage. I dunno.

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It definitely wouldn’t be a place to bring your kids on a vacation, but that works out better for me.


There are a few bed and breakfasts around here that do well. I for the life of me can’t see why. Like does it even put you in the vicinity of something interesting? Not really. We might just be a nice place to stay on your way through and you would rather stay some where charming rather than the Hilton.


Yes agreed. Hotels can be impersonal and clinical and weird. But at the same time talking to people at 530am isn’t really my strong suit :joy:

The typical client at the place I mention wakes up early has breakfast fucks off to the office and then does networking drinking in the evening and then comes back and sleeps.

I did stay at a hotel once that on Friday night turned the lobby into the coolest nightclub in town. I had to show my room key to get in. VIP mofos!

It was unusual but interesting.


Introducing the world’s first bed and brunchfast. Our motto would be “sleep in, you deserve it.” Breakfast starts at 1130. :joy:


Dunkin donuts is outta donuts right now. What next? Bed and breakfast, you’re gonna have to sleep on the floor right now. :joy:

I hope to see cannabis-friendly retreats open up all over the place, eventually! It could be just one room (a smoking den) and the outdoor decks where smoking is allowed, so non-smokers can stay too, and they wouldn’t have to worry about smelling like a half-toasted doobie when they leave.


Plus they could talk to stoners
Which is what they want to do


Whenever I see huge houses, it just scares me to think about the time it takes to clean it. That’s gotta be a part time job in itself. :grimacing:


It sucks. I lived in a huge house for ten months while a friend was gone and said I’d take care of it. It’s insane. I only did the inside too. Would’ve been a full-time job if I had to do the outside stuff too. Really opened my eyes. I want an as close to zero maintenance life as possible. Haha


I called my wife a name today. I dug deep back to early grade school in the mid 80s and hit her with the African booty scratcher. She instantly started laughing at me and said she hadn’t heard that since elementary school. Not only did we grow up 1000 miles apart, she is 8 years younger than me so we weren’t even in grade school around the same era.

Make this make sense to me.


You’re on your own there bud. :yum:

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Okay so African booty scratcher was from The Gods Must be Crazy. That would make sense for the time period. I haven’t seen that damn movie in decades so I can only imagine the context. Mystery solved.

Good news. My cousins coming to pick up his dying ass plants tomorrow. I can finally cut that blazing hot light off that won’t let my room go below 92° or my reservoir go below 82°


I hate that. I have a plant for you. Come get it right now because it’s in my way.

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Hey man. I need you to hold my 6 plants. Go ahead and flower them. :joy:


It’s so irritating. Sure you can use my parking spot as long as I’m not using it but your car better not be there when I need it. My footprint is the same.

Moral of the story: never do anything nice.