Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

It is working, there are place like that being done in the US also. It works to massively lower overdose death rates in those communities.


I’m glad someone else gets it…. So many don’t understand but it’s a God send, even I was skeptical at first but seeing/hearing the results has definitely swayed my vote.


There’s also the argument for safe predictable supply.


These sort changes take time and baby steps. The U.S is so impatient. Even my state is already going to vote to amend measure 110. Decriminalizing small amounts of narcotics. Makes me sick. They expect change and are unwilling to actually do the work and put in the time.

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Is my fentanyl 64% pure or 98% pure? Very important information to have and something that should be regulated.


That can never happen until we classify drug cartels as terrorists and start hitting them with drone attacks like we do al qaeda. They are dumping super meth and fentanyl into this country in metric tons.

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I can’t speak to that but there’s no reason pharmaceutical companies can’t pump out consistent supply. Fuck the cartels. Make our own and put them out of business.

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You can buy a gram of super meth in my city on the street for 30.00. Pharmaceutical companies can’t compete with 50.00 8 balls.

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We all know, from our own experiences, that prohibition doesn’t work.

It’s now about harm reduction. People shouldn’t do hard drugs, but they’re going to anyway.

I’m more of a utilitarian pushing the “how much does the cop the prosecutor the jail guard the defence lawyer the judge the insurance company cost when one junkie steals your stereo?”

Free dope is societally cheaper, maybe with a doctors note or something.


Out of likes but I feel ALL of this. Oh man, before I knew what fentanyl even was, (pre 911) I was visiting a place in Buffalo that was buying our buds bulk for a year or so but optioned other stuff. I still have this burned in my brain. He was like “we got the new hot shit, that custy fiyah” and took us over to 3 55 gallon drums and knocked on it, soon this will be the thing I promise you! I had basically forgotten about it until many many years later when I started hearing of fentanyl. These pricks had 3 55 gallon drums of that shit! No freaking joke. This was in 91! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: that shit makes my skin crawl, and I’ve seen it’s devastating effects first hand.

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It’s a fact!

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Amen brotha


China is helping them do it. They don’t have to wait for crops of coca leaves or opium poppies to grow. They manufacture it all and dump it right into this country at dirt cheap prices.

US has sold our childrens souls and futures to have trade agreements with china and mexico. Until we take back or manufacturing and cut the heart out of these two countries. China and the drug cartels are going to continue chipping away at the soul of our countries.

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These sick fucks are lacing it with all street drugs now. Physical addiction keeps them coming back for more and more.

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Yup, it’s in everything! Even the yayo now. I’ve seen how they make that shit, it’s fucked! They have literal children making vats in crumbling abandoned buildings :man_facepalming:t2:


This sums it up right here. How many people do you know that use Heroin, Coke or Meth recreationally? None. These are one and done drugs. Coke use started out recreationally, but at $100 a gram, only the elite could afford it. Then crack came along and changed all of that. I really believe people try them believing they can handle it and addiction won’t happen to them, but it never works out that way. I would love to sit here and talk about treatment facilities and programs that will get people clean, but that’s fantasyland. At least here in the states. It’s cheaper to lock them up. That’s the reality.

I am curious @ColeLennon, if you don’t mind sharing, how did you get into recovery?


I’ve struggled with addiction off and on since I was 17. Been to prison. Impatient treatment 4 times. Outpatient 6 times. Had years of long recovery 14 years and lots of short recovery periods. I was 25 when an overdose caused my partial paraplegia. That got me clean for 14 years. I got very sick with a hiatal hernia in 2011 went UN-diagnosed until 2017 while my body slowly starved to death. I become unemployable lost my job and house and my mind. Lived in my truck for 2 years mainlining speed and heroin just to not put a gun in my mouth. I was targeted for being homeless and living in my truck by the local police in my city they fabricated probable cause and stuck me with a felony meth charge for a nickle bag a month before it changed to a misdemeanor. They did this just to make sure I could not live in my truck. I was so violently ill. So close to death. I went to the emergency room 29 times in one year. I kept telling them I was dying. I was. My body slowly starved to death for six years. When they fixed my stomach. I started seeing a mental health therapist and got diagnosed with severe combined type ADHD. Put me on a time released stimulant. This was what I needed my whole life. Since then I have been treated for PTSD and major depressive disorder from anxiety from PTSD. I treat this with micro dosing mushrooms and cannabis. I take my ADHD meds and my lifelong struggle off and on with meth was gone. Been clean this time 7 years.


Much fucking respect bro :facepunch:t2:


It’s amazing to me you survived it. I’m glad you did. These are the kinds of experiences I read about when it comes to hard drugs. There is no casual or recreational use to it.

So happy to hear that. Stay the course my friend.

And thank you for sharing that.