Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Know one uses meth or heroin or booze for that matter. Because they are well.


Growing cannabis is my therapy. My grows give me so much back when it comes to my self care.


And what beautiful grows they are :slight_smile:

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Thanks man. You can tell I love it. :pray:

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@PatHealy did you run a Chem d x dog patch seeds? Random questions but if you did what was it like? And did you make those?

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I’m running testers of those right now from the user stanknuggz on here. Ill Eagle Birdseed he calls his company. I have six of them as seedlings now.

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Damnit y’all. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. I went to Lowe’s today to get some 8/3 wire for the stove. They didn’t have any and the employee in the wire section told me to just run 10/3 for the stove that’s what everyone does. Before I could say anything to him about how grossly wrong and dangerous that was, he was gone. I’m not interested in getting this guy in any trouble, that’s the farthest from my intentions but it’s wildly inappropriate to give ignorant dangerous advice to unsuspecting home owners. I feel like this needs to be brought up to management before some ones house burns down because the 20 year old sales associate gave them some fucked up advice while larping as a professional.


Out here long as you have 10/3 8/3 or 6/3 your good on home inspections.

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This system is also in place in Switzerland. If you want to use Heroin, they give you pure Heroin twice a day. They also give you an apartment & a job. Guess what? Those people lead normal productive lives, don’t steal & don’t overdose.

I just want human beings to be treated humanely. Not thrown in a cage like an animal for what they choose to ingest. I supported cannabis users for 25 years, mailing politicians, marching, donating etc. They were also categorized as crazy, sad, uncontrollable addicts at one time (look it up). Turns out they weren’t, however the black market & cops did make their ingestion a dangerous daily hobby.

I learned from cannabis propaganda & simply extrapolated it to other drugs. I assume 90% of the harm is directly caused by their prohibition. As for more people using them if they are legal… hahah! I would never smoke crack, neither would you. Lets be real.


No shit? A 40 or 50 amp breaker won’t cook 10 gauge wire?

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On 10/3 o don’t think anything over 30 would be good for it/ safe really.


Yeah that’s what I thought. I told him I was doing a 40 amp breaker. He told me just do 10/3 with no mention of stepping down the breaker size. I ended up grabbing some 6/3 and grabbed a 50 amp. This way I’ll be able to handle any size stove if I decide to upgrade in the future.

Im gonna go talk to the most senior manager available and tell them to let everyone in the store know not to give advice that might kill some one. Like I couldn’t imagine one of the fork lift certified guys in lumber dishing out engineering advice to me :joy:


I’m gonna cut this mop of hair into the most furious Karen cut before I do it, too.


8/3 will work if it’s not an induction stove. 6/3 is what you want if it is.

I overheard a Home Depot employee telling a woman that Blueberry plants didn’t like acidic soil. I had to interject and correct her. Not quite as dangerous as someone recommending wire that could burn your house down, but another example of people talking without knowing what they’re talking about. How hard is it to “phone a friend” or just say “I don’t know.”


True. I was talking with a guy that works at a plumbing supply house I frequent. He was saying he worked for a really short time at Lowe’s and he said no one knows shit about fuck in there. It’s a kids making beer money kind of job is how he put it.


I see that shit all the time, especially painting. Everyone knows about painting :laughing: until it comes time to roll/brush. It seems these “associates “ like to think they are professionals. Don’t get me wrong I’ve met awesome people who do know their stuff but it’s very few and far between and I’ve learned not always the old guy :wink:


You can do aluminum if they where out of copperl just have to go a size bigger in guage


Haha. I know that’s right. You know who doesn’t know a damn thing about paint? 75% of people that work at Sherwin Williams. I went in with a legit batch problem and one of those kids asked me if I primed it first! I told them to go find me the nearest adult. :rofl:


Jesus. These plants are in rough shape.

I think the abuse went too wild this go around. How many more days do they have? 30? I’m gonna let them go, but this sucks the big one in the sky.