Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

That’s hilarious bro. I was visiting my grandparents in Florida and they took me to go see There’s something about Mary in the theatre. They sat a couple rows in front of me so I could maintain my cool kid status. I was watching the movie like “holy fucking shit this is so inappropriate.” But I kept looking at them in front of me and I could tell they were laughing their asses off too.


Hahaha My mom got in trouble with my friend’s parents for taking us to see There’s Something About Mary. That’s super funny.


Lol. Parents getting in trouble with other parents. I loved that era just before social media. How was anyone to know just how raunchy that movie was going to be. Surprise it’s a disgusting romantic comedy


She knew the Farrelly brothers were wild. She just didn’t care. She loved Jonathan Richman, Farrelly brothers movies, and somehow got roped into being home with her kid on a Friday night and it was a sleepover, so she was going to a movie where we couldn’t talk for a couple of hours, get Marble Slab afterwards and then into the bedroom when we got back. Haha

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I loved how politically incorrect Pat Healy was.

  • Pat Healy : I work with retards.
  • Mary : Isn’t that a little politically incorrect?
  • Pat Healy : Yeah, maybe, but hell, no one’s gonna tell me who I can and can’t work with.

Hahaha The one about putting him on the leash and just letting him run free. Hahaha


Its been a proven working model in Portugal changed their laws just over 20 years ago… Change has happened. Oregon decriminalized without having anything else in place.


Yeah, you need to get people off of drugs, not provide them for cheap. It’s not rocket science. It’s just not profitable.


From the first article:

“As of 2015, there were an estimated 33,290 ‘high risk’ opioid users in Portugal. Per 100,000 population, this is above the European average.”

That’s 1/3 the population. Now imagine that in a city of 8 million, like NY.

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That is why they need to classify drug cartels as terrorists. :100: Kill Em All

Yeah but look at what it was in 1999 when they decriminalized. I’m a recovering addict. I spent time on the street. Slept in my truck for 2 years. I know exactly what these people are going through. I could not stop unless the cuffs came on or I overdosed. Crime just part of the deal man.


Are you saying you would be better off had they been legalized?

(And for the record I’m glad you’re recovering).


No, I am not saying that at all. I voted no on measure 110 to decriminalize small amounts. I was in recovery when I voted no. I knew Oregon was not prepared with services and outreach. What was happening here is a 10.00 bag of meth or heroin was felony poss class c felony. It only carries 10 days in jail and 18 months probation does not matter if you get 50 of them. Cops are lazy fucks. Instead of doing any real police work they would stalk, harass, beat bushes and tents to get their quotas for felony busts while violating mentally ill sick peoples civil rights with fabricating probable cause… People of Oregon were sick of it. Homeless mentally ill youth that lived on the street where getting felonies before they even had a chance for recovery. Youth felonies turn into adult felonies 90% of the time.
In a nutshell decriminalization works with time. Lots of time and consistent available services and outreach. The data is there in Portugal. All have to be on the same page and working on it consistently for years. 24 years Portugal has been working on it. Fuckin 1/4 of a century. Not going to happen over night.


This really is the problem. It becomes a cycle. Instead of treatment, they incarcerate. Once incarcerated, it follows them the rest of their lives, they can’t find decent employment and the cycle repeats. Same with our veterans.

I’m extremely happy you survived it and you’re clean.


Exactly. It’s sad shit. We also need to provide the opportunity for people to earn a living, buy a house, have healthcare, and so on to reduce addiction. We need soooo much and I don’t see anything getting done in the right direction. Just posturing and photo-op type stuff for elections and nonsense.


Yep… :100:


People think that decriminalization is legalizing drugs. Its not. Its only small personal amounts. If you have more than one bag or more than one drug. Maybe a little dope scale. Your gone. Felony charges. If its fentanyl your gone. Its to keep mentally sick people out of jail. Jail doesn’t do anything but compound the problem. They get out of jail with what they have on and all their shit is gone. Tent-gear to survive. All of it. So what happens they commit crimes to get their basic needs met. Plus more drugs. On an on and On.


Those people would be stupid. Decriminalization and legalization are two totally different words and concepts. Shouldn’t be too hard to look in a dictionary or use a search engine. Better education system…


Unfortunately we have a lot of stupid people in the country.

Is Key. :100:


In BC they have safe sights where the users get a one time use of their drug, twice a day . Then they go on about their business until the next day. This is an approach that is working as well, it’s an 80% success rate and most have gotten off the streets into their own apts, homes, have jobs etc. it’s truly a blessing . This is a method I used to frown upon but after seeing/hearing the results first hand I love the idea. It’s just a small operation that’s trying to expand and prove to the world it works