Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Let’s just call it October 16th I’ll cut these rapscallions down.


Doesn’t look like anything a little food wouldn’t cure. Other than that, they’re nice looking girls. I love the structure of that shorter one.


Speaking of food for the girls, you just made me think… I shouldn’t be needing to feed these girls cuz I put them back on blast off levels of nutes into the reservoir. That leaves me thinking one thing. My pH meter might need to be calibrated. I remember having to use an unreal amount of pH down to get to 5.8. If my meter is as out of wack as I think it might be, my actual pH might be down around 4 and these plants might not be taking up much of anything.


You’re probably right. Too early for the fade. If they have lots of food, it’s lockout.


Damnit man. This is a grow for the record books. I don’t think I’ve ever had this much go wrong with every piece of equipment I own all at once. I should have definitely taken a step back when I was rounding the corner of 160ml of pH down. I’m usually at about half that to get where I need to be.


I’ve limped some pretty chunky plants across the finish line with no fans for the previous many weeks, lol. There’s still hope my friend!


Let em vade…

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I hope you guys are right. I got 40 days left on mine & every fan is yellow. The problem is when it spreads to sugar leaves & they start dying into the buds. Feel like we’re gonna be chopping early :laughing:


Give them a shot of fish ferts…and or kelp. I use both.


Fish fert didn’t help, I tried it. Is the kelp in Recharge sufficient? Or do I need a standalone kelp additive @ColeLennon

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I’m not familiar with recharge someone else can chime in on that. I use a Kelp supplement with every feeding. I also find that if I’m getting some yellowing or sickly plants a good feeding or top dressing of bat guano and worm castings for a root drench does the trick. If fish ferts aren’t making a difference they just may be a strain that fades sooner. If the flowers look good. I wouldn’t worry about it to much. The yellow ones are done anyways. Pull them. See if it solves the problem with the others staying greener. I use Kelp Me Kelp You or Sea-K


I’ll pickup some kelp me kelp you today, thanks! Any special amount you use per gallon?

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1/4 tsp per gallon every feeding in veg and bloom. I stop the kelp the last two weeks of bloom. Bottle lasts a long time. Get a QT if they have it. Better deal. Great stuff I use it to foliar feed also. 1/2 tsp per QT. Incredible foliar feed. Works immediately. Spray under the leaves. :100:


5:2 ratio foliar with fulvic and kelp is a good one.


I agree :100: ^^^^^^^^

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Foliar only in veg though right?

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I foliar outside up to week four. I wouldn’t do that inside though. Only in veg like once a week or every 4 days or so. Before lights and make sure they dry with the fan before LEDs come on.
The precipitator works well. You can aim right up under the leaves. Cut a piece of cardboard to hold in one hand above your plant so you don’t spray your LED. If you do that you don’t have to pull them out to foliar feed.


Just be careful with kelp and fulvic. I foliar spray them with a 5:2 ratio every 10-14 days in veg, but I’m in coco indoors. I’ll give them kelp and fulvic in a few feeds throughout veg too.


Reno’s velokelp is great too! Stellar product, I’d say lockout as well though, just not up taking what it needs . Especially if you have high nutrient levels already brotha