Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

160mls holy shite!


That’s a dope bottle, love it

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I have two. They work fuckin awesome. Super fine even mist since they are designed for hair color treatments. The angling of the nozzle is kickass. :100: Total BOSS.


I definitely need one for IPM stuff. Dope

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Work great for IPM. :100: Flip that nozzle for all directions.


Okay fellow weed nerds. Here’s the scoop:

pH pen is dead on.

Res is at 5.8

EC is at 2.8

Res temp is 80°

Room temp is 84°

Why do these plants look like shit.

Is it the res temp. Are these girls flipping a bitch cuz the water is too hot?

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I’m not a hydro guy, but are you sure you don’t have some kind of root fungus?

84° is a little higher than I like my girls’ room to be, but they see worse than that outside. I can’t comment on the res temp.


The only thing at this point that I think is out of wack from any of my other grows is res temp. I’ve never had a problem keeping it around 70. But then again the other variable is I have been running my lights during day time as well. Interesting. Maybe next time I’ll go back to running lights at night.

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Have you lifted the pots out of the buckets and checked for bad roots? Smells? Foam in the res? I believe °80 is too hot unless your running a steril system. Chlorine or H2o2. I freak out when mine hits °74 and I’m running a double dose of Orca. Are you using any root inoculant?


I lifted one plant out and its roots looked nice. They were still white. This has been a few days ago now. I don’t remember any smells. I’m gonna pop in there and check them out again real quick. I’m not running anything in the res but maxi, power si, fish shit, diamond k gypsum and general hydro pH down.


Is the fish shit new? Last time I put something organic with the synthetic in my res it jacked it all up. Just thinking out loud.


Fish shit has always been part of the regiment. I have been plotting on taking it out of the mix. It feels unnecessary. Correct me if I’m wrong but fish shit helps plants in soil uptake nutrients better. Growing in hydroton and “nutrient soup” kind of negates the necessity of something like that right?


I just gave mine at 3PM 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of Alaskan Fish ferts and 1TBS per gallon of Big Bloom, kelp, microbe, gypsum, sweet candy and tps signal. Checked them 4 hrs later and they jumped. They do obvious jumps after I supplement with fish ferts.


Man I’m not sure? Aquaponic grows in fish shit. It just seems like there is 2 sides and they don’t play well with each other. I’ve only done 4 grows so I’m still trying to figure it out myself.


Have you checked to see if the roots are clogging the in/out hose?

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This plugged one of my hoses on the last grow. Almost killed it before I caught it.

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Yeah for real the root masses aren’t that impressive on this run. I just pulled them up and had zero clogs.

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I’m gonna let these plants finish up. Even though the res is still half full, I’m gonna empty it tomorrow. This whole summer I had problems getting tap water below 80° to come out of the faucet. I’ll switch all of my variables back over on this next run and see how everything plays out I guess.


You running Hydroguard or something similar?


how does the drain look( in your case the buckets )are they all on 5.8 or just the res? could be ph issue or some kind of micronutrient shit that adds up. had a problem liker that has cost me 5-6 weeks

it might be root rot :frowning: or some other rootproblems