Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Nothin doin yet. There look to be a few that have split their shell but no tails yet. Back into the condo Foo’s.


I swear by the time I’m done with a run I forget how long it took me to pop seeds. I thought for sure id see something moving by day 3 or 4 or what ever it is. How long does it take y’all to germinate seeds?


Took my fat bastards 3 to 4 days days, I am sure they will get there game on soon here


You do any other fancy shit like scuffing the shells or pre soaking?


I get tails after about 24 hours. Beans in a shot glass of water with a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide in there as well. Sat on a heat mat in a dark closet. Usually have tails the next day and get planted. If I can push the unpopped seeds and they sink, they get planted too.


I’ve never had an issue popping beanz fast. I put them between one paper towel folded on a dinner plate. Drench it with distilled water or pure bottled water PH neutral. Cover the plate with saran wrap leave an inch width of the plate uncovered and sit the plate on my router. 30-36 hours tails. Helps to tilt the plate just little. As it dries out and it will I add more water.


No fancy stuff, may provide a little assistance getting their helmets off. That’s about it

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I’m with @ColeLennon on this one.
Beans in a double-folded paper towel. Room temp to luke warm tap water with a splash of H2O2. Just saturated, not soaking wet. Layed on a plastic plate inside an unsealed gallon ziplock bag. Then placed on my cable box. I get tails in 24-72hrs every time. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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I recognize that I’m doing the absolute most with my seed starting, but it’s working for me.

I soak them in a shot glass with water and h2o2 for a day or so, then I put them on top of wet worm castings until they get a good tail (1-3 days), and from there they go in a seedling tray, where they can take a day or so to break the surface. So it can take upwards of a week if they’re starting off sluggish, but I’ve got pretty decent germination rates doing this process lately!


Yeah. That’s a little worrisome. I do the folded over wet paper towel method in the dark on a heat pad too. I don’t like that it’s been 72 hours at this point and nothing has popped from 3 different breeders. That leads me to believe this is a me problem.


Maybe the shells are a little thick, maybe try a little sanding to help. Seems like you have the heat and the moisture. You should be ok they may need just a little help


Do you know the temperature of your heat mat?


The room is 77 and the heat mat I think says it does 5° above ambient room temp.

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I’m cooking my beans aren’t I?


Yeah, it helps to have a dinner plate between the heat source and the folded paper towel and what you’re using for a humidity dome.“zip lock, saran wrap” etc. Make sure it has some air gaps and keep it wet with neutral water. I never let it dry out. I dump more water on then tip it and drain off the excess. I do that until I get tails. A seedling mat will help it is only 87 degrees. Depending on your router or cable box should be about the same. Regular dinner plate makes a buffer between the heat source and paper towel. Humidity dome. Helps to tilt one end a little.
I wouldn’t give up on them yet. Could be stubborn.


Okay cool. I should be good then. Upon closer inspection the heat mat says 70-85. That’s kinda the reason I have them folded up in-between those two thick boy sheets of corrugated cardboard. I’ll bust them back open when I get home from work today.


Make sure they don’t dry out why your gone at work. Saturate them well.

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I’ve had beans take 4-5 days to pop , I figured something would be up by now, and as @ColeLennon do not let them dry out or get up above the 80’s temp wise.


I’m gonna take them off the heat mat then considering the ambient temp is 78 in n the room.

Thanks for the tips everyone. I feel weird that I’m having problems this early in the game :joy:


If it wasn’t for curve balls I would never learn anything. Don’t sweat it.