Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Looking Better

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These arent the original posters plants fyi just some pics from me having a similar problem as the original poster and trying to help.

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Always best to make one change at a time.


I’m realizing this is absolutely key.


I don’t wanna jinx myself but I think we are back on track guys. New growth is lush. Nothing is yellowing from the bottom anymore. Roots have fallen out of the bottom of the baskets.


Sweeeeet! :+1:t2:


So then what was the verdict?

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Could be several things. I pulled the air stones out and also regulated my res temps with gigantor ice cubes. I vacuumed and wiped out all of that brown gunk. Redid my res and nute solution.

Next problem to tackle is to get my rh up in that room. I’m still around 40% and I’d feel more comfortable if it were up around 70 or so.


So I’ve also never kept mother plants before. How do you train your mother plants. I generally top at 6 nodes and let my plants branch out from there. Is just doing the same thing all good?


Fuck Ya :sunglasses: :metal:


Long as youre over 25% but under 80%, should be good

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At about 3 1/2 inches from the top of a branch cut fast at a 45 degree angle, then peel a leaf downward removing just the outer skin along with it, if you can. (As long as that leaf isnt associated to a bud site.) If you cant get a leaf to peel that way then lightly rub your snips on one side of the cutting to strip off just a little bit of the outer layer. Next, stack all the big leaf fingers on top of each other, and cut them in half with your snips(ill include picture of what your leaves should look like.)Lastly, with the end of your snips cut a little + in the stock like 1mm deep at the end where ther 45 degree cut is. Stuff that badgirl in a propegation cube, cover with a slighty ventilated clear dome/lid, and spray the dome twice a day. Keeping the humidity at 80-90% in the dome until roots pop out. Then youre good to translplant. After you make a couple of good cuttings this way it becomes pretty self explainitory. Key is to just get your mom going by taking what good cuttings you can at first, it will eventually just start producing tons of clone worthy sites. -whew :slight_smile:

^^^^ see leaf fingers that were stacked then cut in half.


The newer growth looks promising. :+1:

I know next to nothing about your growing method, but @Everytimefoo 's advice about keeping the root zone dark to thwart the growth of sludge makes sense to me (as do a lot of his/her other helpful tips).


I don’t keep mothers anymore. They can take up a lot of space sometimes. I’ve started vegging them out to the size I want them, and take a cut or two right before flip.

Ordinarily you’d treat a mother plant the same as any other, with some pruning here and there.

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True. They’ve been super helpful. I can’t say enough about this community in general stepping in and saying their piece of advice. Like Ive been growing for a pretty long time and am at the very least pretty proficient with what I have going on at least. But some times it just never hurts to humble yourself and say “hey I don’t know whats going on here, help!” And you never know. The guy that’s only been growing for 6 months might step up and say “hey I just had that exact problem and here’s what I did.”


Appreciated! Unfortunately most if it was learned by crashing and burning but if my failures can be someone elses template for success then it was all lessons well learned, and worth it!


Here’s a little update on our bubbas since y’all helped fix my problem so quickly. Same plant as the thumbs up picture.


Damn they looking good and got hella big quick


Hell yeah. I’m glad we got this problem licked. Need to get them super sturdy. Forgot I was going out of town for a week for Thanksgiving before I started this grow.


@Indicana_Jones yeah I also forgot about turkey day, but I did get a Va ham order for turkey day! So a little excited about that. You told me a bout Va and that took me down the rabbit hole, didn’t know Va took ham to that level! But hopefully they are big enough to take a week or so away!

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