Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

:rofl::rofl: called like “uh I think you better come get yo plants”

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Yeah all is good. He has somewhere for them to go. I’m gonna sex them out real quick and send the girls on down the road and feed the males to a ground hog that’s taken up residency in our back yard.

Do you have this being filled automatically with a float valve?

I think I’m going to setup an RO to my utility sink to fill one of these big beautiful sum bishes so i have access to water at all times for batching nutes. Got a much larger space now. Gonna need it.

Very cool setup brother!


No. I’m slugging 5 gallon buckets from the bathtub over to this behemoth. Then when it’s time to change out the water I pull one of those hoses loose and pump it back out one 5 gallon bucket at a time. I really just need to get a long section of hose and pump it directly from the bath tub into the res and then drain directly from the res into the bath tub.

Why haven’t I done that yet?

I do have a control bucket with a float valve that the res pumps into before it hits the rest of the buckets.


I absolutely seen that part. Exquisite my friend. This is damn near the setup I want for the old grow garage.

Sounds like you got a plan! haha

Thanks for the inspiration to get shit done.


Haha. From the king of procrastination to the king of inspiration. What a wild ride this year has been. Glad I could kick you into gear.


Crap yo. Algae already. I totally meant to spray paint the bottom of this thing black before I hooked it all together.


Maybe I should just spray the whole jank with some kind of spray in bed liner.

Welp. We got roots hanging out the bottom of the pots. I think it’s time to get them outta this algae and put them in their forever homes before they get too tangled up in these little cups.

So I ended up with a 10/10 germ on the GOJI OG and only one of them wants to act up and not put out any true leaves for whatever reason. I’ll let it continue to go to see if it’s just a late bloomer.

Had 4 out of 10 of the block heads germ and 3 decided they were gonna join us above ground


A couple weeks late, but I have great germination rates with a heat mat when I soak for 24hrs and then sow directly in medium.

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ahh unexpected laugh of the evening!!


Those are coming along nicely.


Hell yea, things are coming together there. Glad to see some life there.
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Well brother, I continue to LIKE what I’m seeing out of you, you’re incredibly innovative. That table is impressive work, I look forward to sending those CripXmas beans. I’ll be watching in the corner :eyes:

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Thanks everybody. They are really about to kick off in a few more days. I peaked in the tent yesterday after work and their stalks finally hardened off and stopped doing that droopy hard lean.


Yessir. I appreciate the nod to innovation. I started growing a long time ago when you didn’t really want to chance hanging out in a hydro store, so everything was home made to the best of your abilities with what was available to you at your local hardware store.


Oh yes I knew plenty of DYI growers, they were always telling me how to do ducting and vents, but in just not inclined to the tools much. I do see the green water, perhaps a black coated container. One thing you don’t want to get started is Cyanobacteria, it’s worse than rot, faster deaths and takes a long time to cure. I had the worst time using the wrong plugs for my cloner, allowing too much light to leak in thought cracks. Maybe cover with black painter plastic where plants aren’t sitting :thinking:

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Add a drop or two of bleach per gallon to your water if you aren’t using beneficials, it’ll kill that algae and other shit, plants will be fine, in fact it helps somehow, Schwaggy taught me this years ago and I’ve been using it for everything but my actual waterings, seems to keep things much cleaner and has given much more longevity


And see, I told you that my method works brother, EVERYTIME. I’ve had issues once in 20 years, ONCE


That’s a good idea. I had this problem with algae the last time I used this thing and I literally just forgot to address it before I fired it back up