Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Yep. I also just noticed one of these girls pop a root out of its stem above the rooter.

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Yeah they can do that.

When they take so long I like to reapply the clonex. I’ll dilute a small amount in some water and give each cube some. I squeeze some of the extra moisture out before I use the diluted clonex.

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And by little bit, I mean about the amount it would take to cover the stem if you’d dipped it normally.

Pipets make it easy, use about 1 oz of water.


I’m gonna give that a shot. I just got so damn busy with work, hopefully I can make a little time to carve up the last of these plants and fill another tray with clones.

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@Bobgrows check em out. It’s the winners that will make some new seeds


Loving it!!
Now these are the Bubba Kush? Yes?


Yes ma’am. Two different girls and 2 different boys. The way these damn things grow we’re gonna end up with a bajillion seeds.


That’s a good thing! Yes?
The Bubba Kush and 90’s Kush are both amazing plants!
Thank you for doing the repro of them! I do so appreciate it.

Have you cured and smoked any of her yet?

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@Indicana_Jones what do you use in your cloner?
Those roots are healthy?
What’s your secret…:thinking:

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Yeah. Bajillions of seeds is the goal :joy: @Bobgrows

I use clonex rooting gel in rapid rooters. Once I see one baby root poke out I hit them with a 1:1 mix of MaxiBloom and diamond k gypsum. It’s a cup each per 55 gallons. Once they get a taste of that MaxiBloom/gypsum crack they go absolutely crazy.

I stopped using the cloners and just went back to plugs in 1020 trays with humidity dome.


Doin the old res change again. Pumping the water straight from the bathtub has been such a game changer.


Now that’s a solid idea!

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I have half a mind to run the water hose from the outside faucet through the window to make watering easier :rofl:


Don’t get me involved. I’ll have you a spigot inside the room. :joy:

@Hotrods_and_hounds i have a wall in my room that shares the vanity plumbing. I was thinking about poking into that wall and stubbing out a cold water line and a drain line so I could be self sustained in there.


Well if you insist :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

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Hey bro. What do you know? 6 more ladies decided to join the party after all.


Damn. What a shit picture.


Ayye glad they came through. They’ll shape up in no time now

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Yeah I kinda just walked away from them a couple days ago. They stayed wet and just worked their magic. I was gonna maybe water the couple in solo cups and thought I’ll just take a look in this dome. There are a couple more male clones in there that I’m just gonna throw in the trash I guess.

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Everything is all full now.