Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

throwing a bucket in the tub under the facet with the pump in it one could get away with not having to have 2-3inchs of water in the tub for the pump to work :wink: well depending on your pump pickup setup

good idea :+1:


You’re the best. I love this place so much.

Like I can post something that’s like hey look at this cool new way I’m doing something and give it a few minutes some times and some one will pop up like “hey man, try doing this minor adjustment.”

I’m sure I could even adjust the tub spout flow rate with the pump rate so I’m not losing any water either.

Thanks @Mr.Sparkle !


quite likely yeah and once you know where to set it just might make it a bit quicker and easier :wink:

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I’m working on the fully automated luxury communism grow as we speak, comrade.


They never really get fully automated, but will say the less work the better in my mind.


You’re right. I do need to build some sort of AI robotic arm interface that can get in there to top, defoliate, and take clones. With the home gardener in mind. :joy:

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Wook the growbot xj9000


It doesn’t even have opposable thumbs!

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Next you’ll want it to have pockets.


I’ll compromise on a waist pouch.


Tie dye or galaxy print?


Tie dye invoking the galaxy.


What’s next basic robot rights? Ugh :tired_face::tired_face:

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Free sprockets for all! Discounts on microchips for some!


Ugh. What the fuck is happening with these roots?

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oh man sorry to see that, looks like root rot :frowning:

The lower part of the root probably feels slimy, doesn’t it? Like you have dish soap between your fingers. Maybe some hydrogen peroxide will help but to be honest I don’t know if you can get it under control. I had it in my passive hydro moms once and couldn’t get it to go away. :frowning: maybe someone else has a better idea than hydrogen peroxide.

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Damnit man. This has to be due to res being too warm and roots sitting in that inch of stagnant hot water at the base of the buckets. I’m gonna have to figure something out. It looks like the one clone is pushing a whole new plug of pearly white roots out of the side.

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I would first go and clean out all the greasy roots. then treat them all with peroxide. And then the worst part! clean all the buckets and hoses with vinegar and bleach and flush the system so you get everything. i know it’s a shitty job.

as far as the temperature is concerned. you can put the feed line in a bucket or becken with cold water and then circulate the nutrient solution with a circulation pump,

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Okay. So good news I think. Roots are not slimy at all. I started using a new hydroton that I’m not really happy with. 75% of the hydroton are tiny. They fall out of the holes in the baskets and end up in the bottom of the buckets. It really looks like the hydroton might be staining the roots. I pulled the larger plants and they are in the old hydroton. No issue of stained roots on them.

I’ll look into closer when I get back home this evening.


Damn that would have freaked me out lol I’m glad to hear it’s just the Hydroton !

Glad I found this place !

I’m excited to see how everything in there turns out
Sending good vibes to your grow :raised_hands: