Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Yes bubba Kush @Bobgrows I can’t wait for any of this to go into flower. My wife said damn the house smells like weed when we got home today. That’s just the 4 big plants in veg too :joy:


Tell her just wait… the coffee scents will come soon… she will be drooling :drooling_face:

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I can’t wait. I’m probably going to keep this in rotation forever. I’ve told a couple people that I’m growing these bubba Kush. They have all started grinning from ear to ear saying I like bubba Kush :joy:. Hint hint


Alright. All 8 of the initial clones have dropped that long ass root out of the bottom of the net pots. They should be taking off any day now.

The new batch of clones are looking and feeling even better that the last. Should have some beautiful roots poking out of the rooters by Wednesday.


In more good news, the latest batch of clones are starting to throw roots out of the rooters. Tonight is only day 8. That’s fantastic.

As soon as I see a few more throwing roots, I’m gonna clobber those couple of big ass plants down to the ground and start making way for making these seeds.


So then you going to overlay a bud and seed the run?


Yeah I’m gonna repurpose the tent to hold a couple plants to make seeds while the entire room is a flower run. I’m interested to see how these ladies do for weight actually manicured up properly. The initial 8 clones are all looking healthy again. They dropped all of their yellow leaves and are spitting out healthy green everywhere.

This is exciting for me. I’ve never done cloning on this scale and it seems to be going gang busters. I’ve always been a from seed kinda guy.


Maybe I’ll even move the tent into another room. Work smarter, not stupider or something.

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It will be super interesting to watch. I am curious also I have never done a seed run and a flower run together. Are you gonna run like a hepa filter on the tent intake and exhaust ports?


Nah I don’t do that. If I move the tent into the master bath I’ll have 4 doorways in-between the flower room and the seed run room. Also I don’t run intake fans in the tent. It usually just stays open.

Even when I was using it for veg, it would just stay open until the flower lights clicked off for the night and I’d zip it up. So I’m not really to worried about the pollen riding the wind so to speak. Maybe zip it up a few days before it’s gonna burst and let it go. I dunno how this is gonna work.


I do this with only one doorway and it works fine but I turn the HVAC off.


That’s smart. I’m working that into the plan.

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The clones are finally starting to clone and don’t look like they are about to die anymore.

Let’s get it.

Fish bone city!


Welp. This new tray of clones didn’t fare as well as the first tray. Out of 21 clones, I ended up with 2 boys and 2 girls that made roots this time. That’s all I need for this tent and this seed run though.

Girl A

Girl B

Boy A

Boy B


But what I don’t understand is, and feel free to chime in and learn me some shit, if the rest of these clones aren’t throwing off roots, why do they still look so green and healthy?

I’m chillin at day 13 right now.


The 2x4 sex dungeon finds a new home


They could be late rooters, I’ve had them take up to 20 days to take root


I’m not running a heat mat either. You think a little heat on their butt might move them along?


I don’t run a heat mat, so I’m unsure. As long as they stay moist they should be fine

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You use clonex yeah?

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