Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I’m glad that the solution was so simple! Discolored roots usually don’t mean anything good. However, if it’s from the dust from the hydroton that at least explains the color, lucky you! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

In any case, keep us up to date with what’s going on.

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Oh shit @m0sirys look at those new roots push out.

These fools were going in slow motion til they weren’t.


looking great brotha! I’m glad to see that everything is under control! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


They definitely look great now brother! Nice

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Crazy. All the clones ended up rooting except for maybe 3. My wife was asking for her cell tray back and as soon as I went to pull out the last of the clones I forgot about, it was roots galore. So I put one outside. Good luck young soldier. The other 4 are in solo cups getting ready to be outside ladies!


Uh oh. So I was checking over these beast ass doner plants a few minutes ago and found this on one of my “males”


Say it ain’t so. Have you been a girl in disguise this whole time? Now I don’t know if the two male clones o have in the seed tent are actually males. Fudge. I feel like to be safe I should cut a few clones from the remaining for sure male. Fugggg


Is it a lady boy?

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I don’t think so. I thought I had it pegged as a boy boy. I never noticed any pistils on it before. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if this other male starts pushing out pistils on me after 6 months of veg.

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Lol then the only option is going deeper, gonna have to get the STS spray!

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Damnit man. I didn’t want to have to do anything crazy. But fem seeds wouldn’t be the end of the world.

@Bobgrows you wouldn’t happen to have any of this BKush pollen on ice would you?


Ooo that’s a good idea also, but yeah I have been dabbling the idea of starting to play with the STS. Looked up the stuff on Amazon and it’s pretty cheap.

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Does the process work the other way around do you think? Like if you have all male plants, can you spray them down and get flowers to push out? Would you ended up with meninized seeds :joy:


Sadly I don’t anymore.


Okay. Well hopefully I actually ended up with a real boy in the bunch. I’m gonna go give this last plant a thorough looking over :grimacing:

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I have heard of people reversing males and smoking them to see what it would pass, but also not sure if that’s just forum bro science and fibbing.

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They reverse males with Florel , it’s some kind of acid. Males reversed will make both Male and Female seeds.


Hah. I was legit was just reminiscing on all the bro science of the mid 90s back when there was no Google. “I know a guy that uses aquarium lights at night to mimic the moon man. You gotta have daylight and moon light!”


That’s good knowledge bro. I legit had no idea.

Here’s a shot of the male male. I dont see any pistils and here’s the best photo I can come up with


It’s been quite a while since I’ve grown a monster bush out.