Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Shit yeah when you gonna flip?

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It’s gonna be a few more weeks. Waiting for the clones to do some catching up still. There were 2 rounds of clones so there is a good 10 days to 2 weeks difference in the veg in the rest of the room. At this point the small ones are just gonna be smaller ones once the first round is ready to flip.

These clones are coming along nicely

These clones are gonna be the smaller plants regardless


holy! these are still in veg? Looking good man, these are going to be absolute monsters.

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Yeah bro. I’ve just been snipping clones off of them here and there. But I need to do some serious defol before I hit the flip on them. They are 6 months old at this point haha. To be honest, I’m really worried that I’m gonna run out of root room in the buckets before they finish. Like they might start pushing themselves up and out of the bucket haha.


Haha that’s awesome man, good luck I’ll try to keep up !

I love the setup, I’m sure you explained it above… I need to catchup!

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Trough Water Culture

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Coming along beautifully!

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Oh shit. Your boy was flying too close to the sun.

All of these big ass plants infected with mold.


Oh shit, so that made your plans for the afternoon?

Lol what’s the neighbors gonna say when you put them big ass things out side lol!


That sucks man!! Any idea what it is? What’s the attack plan??

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Bastard! Stupid dense ass mofos!

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@NoCal just like @TopShelfTrees1 said. They were way too dense. They never got thinned out for 6 months after being topped. They are just being bagged and tossed into the back yard. I took a few more snips from the male from the outter unaffected branches. Must guarantee the pollen.

@Hotrods_and_hounds my neighbor is cool as they come. He’s seen me coming out the house with big ass males headed straight for the compost pile before and just been like “damnit man. Wanna burn one?”

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Also to my detriment, I haven’t been running a fan or any kind of ventilation in that room at all for a while now. I’m super surprised that shit happened that quick. They weren’t infested 3 days ago when I was all up in em taking sex pictures.

Bummer! :disappointed:

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Lol hell yeah that’s not a bad way to have cool neighbors. Can only imagine the plant compost pile.

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Haha. There was a grow where I dragged 8 big boys in tow behind me. You could hear taps playing gently in the background.

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So my next question is, now what?

I got the offenders bagged and removed. What do I do about the remaining spores floating around the room?


Fire :fire::fire: show them you’re the boss

Getting caught up. That fuckin blows dude! Gotta get some airflow!

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