Week 10 of veg…
Soil was amended at OG Row yesterday. Nature poured Rain on us as we cleaned-up. It Was Perfect. Here are a few Quick pics + b4 the rain… Everybody seems intact after a few days of big winds and rain.
Dragon Blood Hash Plant below
“BOG” LSD is HAVING a little LST applied, to grow AWAY from the house at a ~ 45 degree (big S will be the resulting shape. There is a walkway so it’ll still get tall. He’s going to work it a Bit now… have some Fun
The Sulphur Pellets broke down really easily with a cheap, used coffee grinder.
Sulphur soak for WPM control starts tonight, refreshing the recipe. I want it right on the money this year!
If you have a mildew colony, here’s how to wipe it out and make sure it never comes back.
Mix 1 tablespoon of 90 percent plus sulfur dust with 1 liter of water, then spray that on all of your plants. Do it again 2 weeks later, and then you can start bloom. Never, spray it on blooming plants, because that’s gross, unless you are just making seeds. Also, never apply after an oil based product, you will have to wash that application off first, then apply the sulfur.
To ensure it never comes back, just don’t bring any infected plant material in. It’s really that simple. Keep new cuts in quarantine and microscopically inspect them daily if possible. You can see the infestation way faster with magnification!
CRIPPY Seeds are in the Mail @Agreenpassion lol
She gets to be the last-minute project plant. @OriginalDankmaster96 and I had talked a while ago. His efforts ie: refinements… just took a bit longer, but its a Go.
Slid nicely into being a Focal Point. A very Piney one
I still like hearing that from You.
So glad I jumped when I did.
Cheers to some Dankness @anonymous4289
ps, 2nd Chem Fuego is undecided as well. Same with DbHP and a Durban Poison. Could have some Males lurking, But the Females from each strain have already committed
With some plants you need a surfactant so the sulfur water doesn’t bounce off. Like jadam wetting agent or something. Usually with perennial plants, I spray them while they are still dormant. Sometimes the mildew will be living on the plant rhizome which is an underground growth near the surface.
Yah, but don’t use copper, because it won’t get rid of the mildew. Definitely use sulfur. Cannabis = sulfur, nine-bark = sulfur. copper = FAIL. Of course give it a whirl, because whatever you do, you don’t have to take my word for it and actually test it, to see if I’m full of shit.
Going to google for powdery mildew information is not a good idea. Any by that I mean, it cluster fucks your mind. lol! I’ll go on a huge rant here about “research” because I’ve been fielding this question lots in real life. Research means you go onto google and look something up and read it and that’s research. Nope! Research means you find answers. Google just barfs up the results of searches. “this girl” did her research and told me that if she sprayed sulfur on her plants they would die, it’s toxic to the leaves. So I went out and sprayed every plant and loads of random plants and the plants she said would die. Now that’s finding answers. It had net positive effect on every plant the sulfur water touched. Why is that? Plants need sulfur to live. Plants respond to fungus invasion with sulfur attack from the immune system of the plant. Sulfur bath both bolsters the immune response and melts the colony on contact. Too many articles online are just the result of copypasta not actual research. If “this girl” wanted to perform research she would do what is called a “falsification” of claims. Take that sulfur and spray the plant that buddy said would die and see what happens. Then, you have a real answer.