Inflation in the weed world

1990 here it was around 250 cdn. now its 80 a zip 750 a lb and flooded. blackmarket growers are gonna start having basement poppy or cocoa plant grows instead lmao no money in the weed game in canada unless your mocing 100s of lbs a month


Gak is some fire for sure, 3000$ ludicrous! Not for charity or anything. SMH. I too am looking at buying two ā€œexpensiveā€ packs but have been on the fence. And IMO both are well worth whatā€™s being asked just for the rarity of the strains

If anyone sends me that kind of money I will happily send them 6 seeds of Geekmelon by Drying Speed.

Even cover shipping.

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Lol is that a purpose full Freudian slip?

I donā€™t think Iā€™d smoke anything with Gak in it. Those days long gone hahaha

For that kinda cash itā€™s whatever you want it to be, baby.


Iā€™d be scared to order from randos on strainly, for all you know the seller could have had a herm or male fuck up their harvest and is trying to recoup that loss at the expense of other growers. Just to much risk imo.

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Iā€™m willing to undercut vernal by 10% in the interests of creating a race to the bottom.


Iā€™ve got a handful of gg4 x either ancestral skunk or blueberry from an unnoticed hermie wonder how much theyā€™d go for :sweat_smile:

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Limited edition gorrilla blueberry skunk. FEMINIZED. Limited edition. Cash through mail only because you are a legitimate old school breeder from pre 1997.

(There you go free marketing!) :rofl:


Been breeding weed since I was in grade school lmao


Yours might be exclusive but mine are MORE exclusive. @vernal thinks heā€™s cool because he gets into the back room but he doesnā€™t realize thereā€™s a back room behind the back room.


Thatā€™s just the water heater closet, but we also store holiday decorations in there.


Yes but itā€™s where the magic happens. You can fit six prostitutes and a keg no problem.

Skinny prostitutes.


Eh, Iā€™d probably blow someone for a pack of bubblegum gelato seedsšŸ˜…


You canā€™t party in there! Now take 4 of those 'tutes and get out of here! Iā€™ll return the keg later lemme reimburse your deposit.


Here comes vernal ruining the party again. If you get a glass Iā€™ll give you a sip and maybe Iā€™ll let you borrow one of them for 8 seconds. But only if you have a wristband.


Iā€™m glad we are having some fun with this because the whole thing is just ludicrous.

I was thinking about how much Iā€™ve spent on grow equipment in my whole life and itā€™s somewhere close to that number.

Careful @EugeneDebs420 Iā€™m sure there are some hustlers who might take advantage.


Pot prices are down to between $400 and $800 a pound and considering more large grows are coming on line, (many in mega, automated greenhouses) the price is likely to continue south. Anybody paying $2K for seeds is either naive or has more money than brains. But with more breeders femming their seeds, I strongly suggest, looking for and getting a good line for Reg. seeds while and IF they are still available.

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how many packs do they really sell at 1200
So crazy