Inflation in the weed world

Aficionado has always been ridiculously overpriced and I know few people that grew out their gear and confirmed that it wasn’t worth the price tag.


Ok I’m confused, are you saying those people said they weren’t worth the price or they were worth the price?

Weren’t. They said it wasn’t bad neither, just that nothing stood out enough to be $400+. But with the whole Todd McCormick “RKS” ordeal and all the other shit coming to light about them, their prices don’t surprise me much


What’s all this about? Can you tell me more?

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Yeah, here’s the link to the post on Todd’s IG. If you go through the comments people are discussing all the other shit they’re apparently guilty of.

But the short of it is, Aficionado reached out to Todd for RKS. After receiving them, they then posted it as if they found/worked it themselves and adding a false background to its origins. At least that’s my understanding.


I love how transparent he is with his no BS responses. Well played good sir! Thanks for sharing.


No problem!

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