Info needed on FEEDING clones + seedlings

Gotcha. I wish i let the soil theyre in dry out more. I feel that me keeping them soaked and me not feeding them plays a huge role in the state they are in. Gonna try and turn things around.

It definitely does especially for roots as after callous you need to get them in the seeking stage so the roots have to seek moisture and extend from their nubs to do so, keeping things just slightly damp will encourage this, don’t worry we all start somewhere, definitely still got a bunch of chances, you’ve got this :facepunch:t2:


Thanks bro. Cant wait til i get everything dialed

My pleasure @seeds2weeds
(Out of likes as I’m sure you’ve determined, not being a dick)


Lmao im stoned i was about to say hell yea im determined.

I forgot to like peoples stuff 90% of the time i hope people dont think im a dick​:eyes: i didnt know that was a dick thing to do :joy:

Day 25f is when i took the cuts. On day 59f

Pic of the one and only near and dear supposed purple kush from god knows what website back in 2016

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its a damage response , essentially the plant see’s it as oh i better use those leaves or i might loose them to pests so better to build new ones"and roots" vs holding onto it till late flower as a sunk energy store.

Your clipping off the apical tips of the leaves where the growing for them happens.

Now Im no expert on cloning as i mainly play with autos but will say the clipping does help as without ive always found the plant typically just want to keep on continuing like nothing happens till it really starts cannibalizing itself and then considers rooting

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Guys I NEED to save this thing. Worst case i got a shot at revegging after harvest.


Nice looking plant there

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Thanks i really screwed up this is my first round trying teas instead of bottle nutes and i really fucked everything up but the buds look good so i aint complainin.

Also caused some foxtail by bumping my light to 75% from 60% just because one day


so the lower and internode larf you could leave behind plus a small bud or two and should be able to reveg if you want some cuttings in the future, if you left a couple of the lowest nodes one could start with a short reveg plant again and not have to take clones and just run as is, where as when one strips the lowers aggressively and then reveges its better to then clone after normal growth as you loose alot of height.


I have no idea if you can clone during mid to late flower(I would probably not try). I read earlier some advice given about leaving some lower branches intact to reveg.
I have seen that method successfully used before. Its supposed to take a long time but if you want to save this as a clone that is the way I would go.

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like keep the following when you harvest, and re-veg from there


Gotcha so when i harvest ill just chop above the red circles you drew then pull her out the pot and snip the roots or losen them up then replant that bad mama jama

Let the cuts dry out , and only water on left side with a bit of veg food. Next watering do the right side. Clones in flower need almost nothing to restart. Bottom watering is drowning them.


I definitely drowned them.
I was bottom feeding and letting them sit in tray for days until all soaked up

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They are not dead yet!

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If they are always wet they will not develop roots to search for humidity … beer3|nullxnull


Drying em out now fingers crossed

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