Instruments to measure CO2 levels

Hello everybody I hope you are all having an awesome day. Please does anybody out there Know of any good instruments out there that can measure the levels of CO2 in my grow room I think I would find such measure useful thank you for reading this😀


There are quite a few monitors available across varied price points. What features you need, accuracy, etc depends on what use case you’re planning. The sensing technology to look for is NDIR which use infrared absorption to determined co2 concentration. Avoid chemical based sensors, which are becoming less prevalent anyhow.

For simply monitoring, something like these are nice and not too expensive:

If you plan to supplement co2, you’d be talking some sort of controller that can drive an electronically controlled valve. Those exist as well or, if electrically inclined, you can piece together a control system.

The average outdoor levels globally are somewhere in the 400 PPM range. So when choosing a monitor, it should be capable of low range measurement of 400 or less. Enclosed in a tent with plants, a monitor that can go lower is better. If you are doing supplementation, I’d look for a monitor with a high range greater than 1000 PPM. Maybe around 2000 PPM or greater.


Thank you for your input Northern in the Longrun my final goal would be to supplement CO2 But that goal is some time The mean time would still like to monitor the amount of CO2 in the grow room May be my best bet would be a co2 switch that gives me a reading of the CO2 level I could send use it at a future date to supplement CO2

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This is what I use. Works amazing pricey though


I use that same controller as @TopShelfTrees1. I also have a Pulse Pro which monitors CO2 along with light levels, temp, humidity, and VPD. The pulse will send me a notification if the CO2 gets low, so I know when to replace my tank. I also have a cheap ($60) one I grabbed from Amazon, but it just displays a CO2 number.


Thanks for your help Reiko. I’ve heard about those pulse Instruments before unfortunately just before I heard about them I had gone ahead and bought a Apogee mq500 I would’ve probably been better off buying a pulse I’m wondering if any of the gauges that I can use on the CO2 supplementation system would still give me a CO2 rating when it wasn’t hooked up to CO2 tanks

I would like to ask a few questions about different instruments Sometimes it’s hard to work out the Category I should be posting in

Thanks for your suggestion topshelf I’ll check it out.

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