Interest in csi humboldt group buy?

I’d be in but there is only a hand full OGers I trust to handle such a task and 1 is in a country to the north.


How would we go about dividing they freebies? I think that part would be a shit show


Always use cash and csi takes cash iv never had a problem with it


The problem with that is how many times everyone’s cash gets mailed…. Mail gets lost a lot

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I like @Rogue idea. Trying to negotiate a set of group discount codes might be the best option from an OG perspective. Some POS systems would allow for the seller to link tiered freebies to that code set. And someone on the OG side needs to distribute codes in a private-ish way.

Only problem with this plan is getting the seller onboard. If it works though, you have a good pattern to propose to other vendors in the future


The problem comes with the group buy part. If a group were getting together the money would be pooled. That would normally mean someone collecting those funds, most of which would likely go through PayPal or Venmo. So now you got a member with a ton of OG members money. Now they send in to get all the seeds and they would have to be split amicably. Will all agree on what is an amicable split? Then they have to be distributed. There are a whole lot of ways such a venture can and has gone off the rails. We have seen it before. Does not mean that would happen here, but we all know bad things can happen anywhere along the process.


To many issues when buying in a group it seems


I would agree. That way no one user is holding the money or seeds but rather folks are making individual orders. Not sure how one would go about that. Perhaps holding all orders that used that discount code till they saw the set amount agreed on spent. Might be a tough sell as it would create work for the company but who knows, they might be open to it if it drives business to them.


l really like the idea of trying to negotiate a group discount code. Takes our human error out of the equation. And makes it a whole lot easier on every OG. And as a side remark, I’m incredibly surprised more group things like this don’t accept Cash App as payment. None of the hassle of Paypal, anyone can download it, and put money on it readily with a debit card.

Edit : Damnit Canada is excluded from cashapp. Yep, thats not gonna work.

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I am very interested! I think if any group can solve the logistics in a fair and equitable way, it would be my lovely acquaintances on this forum!

sorry didnt mean to reply to Doug, meant to just post a reply to the thread.


Don’t get me wrong, it has been successfully pulled off before but has also crashed and burned.


It really has and then that starts an influx of arguments and hurt feelings.

If done right and planned out, it could work. But if it doesn’t, that is the users within the groups fault and not the fault of the site. Moderators aren’t gonna step in because people took risks and got burned, whether they think they will or not.


Unfortunately I don’t think that would make it worth it looking at this from csi’s view. If they were to hand out discount codes like that I’m sure some wouldn’t get used, so he would give out a huge discount expecting to get x amount of dollars and he won’t get the return as he would if everyone was locked in. I could be wrong but either way it’s worth a shot

Edit, I missed that last part about holding it lol. That sounds like it would work :grin:


Yeah, that always seems to be the way of things. Folks don’t want the site involved as it’s their group buy. The site doesn’t want to be involved because it is not their group buy. But if things go wrong it is the sites fault. Even if not blamed you poor folks are left to run around for months putting out fires and dealing with the dark cloud over the site created by pissed off members. I really do feel for you and your team but also really appreciate all you all do.


The last CSI group buy I participated in on here was incentivized by a sale Caleb had going at the time which had discounted tiers. For example, buy X amount of packs and receive Y % discount. The more you bought the greater the break. I can’t recall how much was pooled but it was a 4 figure amount.There weren’t many of us (less than 15?) and there was a random way the freebies were dispersed. To my knowledge everyone left happy and there were several involved who worked out trades with their freebies. If I recall correctly, 1 member took money via PayPal as Doug described.

Personally, the smaller group buys are the way to go and the one we did last year went off without a hitch because everyone involved were folks who had been on the site for a bit and had a history of being cordial with others and showing respect. Choose wisely :v:t2:


So I do not know enough about csi Humbold, I think it is overseas. I know we have Humboldt right here in The USA and I have easlly obtained say Fem Regs like Stoopid Fruits and had great results So what do they have at csi to make all of this a thing?

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csi humboldt is here in the USA in cali, humboldt county! the owner caleb collects most of the clone only strains and reverses them making S1 versions, or uses the feminized pollen to make crosses with other clone only strains.

There were just 2 separate sales going on for thanks giving or christmas and new years i believe. 20+% off and buy one pack get 3 packs free, + a whole bunch of the 3 packs of fallen soldiers and other crosses. what type of group buy do you all think would be better?!


Yes happy to support,

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I agree. You’ll get just as much if not more on a solo order. A group buy isn’t needed. Wait until 4/20 for his next sale and order by yourselves.


What would be nice is if you had a central grower…like someone willing to fork over the cash and buy all the seeds and then run the (f2) if that is the plan…collecting cash when they send out the seeds.

Just a thought…

I can see a few ways to finance a similar platform but run by OG…:wink::grin:
