InTheWoods Journal

Good morning @m0sirys and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I took down PunchlineBx1 #3, Goji OGyesterday and defoliated all like mad man. They look naked now but should bounce back in a couple days. Lower branches weren’t getting the light I prefer after trying to tuck leaves.
Keeping an eye them for the remainder of the week to see which others show male.

Also took some more cuts off the LL, SB x PR/BV A & C to keep practicing and finding what works for me. Put in soil in dome w/heat mat to compare time it takes to root and success rate.

So far, I like the soil in solo cup with a baggie. Simple fool proof so far. Baggies are off now after a week. Hopefully they show some growth by the end of the week. If they all root, this will be the way I do it from now on.

Trying to figure out how to keep a couple from this run. More decisions ahead.

I hope everyone has a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Waking Dream #2 Male :axe: @syzygy

Punchline bx1 #1 Male :axe: @pharmerfil

Stone Sour F2 #2 Male :axe: @pharmerfil

SSDD BX1 x OGC/CJ (berry) #2 Male :axe: @VAkish

Sun Ra #1 Male :axe: @syzygy

I might pull off a hat trick with the Triple Sun A x SSDD and Deadzone x OGC/CJ. Chem 91 SK VA x SSDD might give me two.
Flipping this week, I’ll do a better update after flip and with all the females.

In other news I did a germ test on the Sour Serenades 19/20.
Great germ rate after 48hrs in a ziplock. tap water. Heat mat with towel to buffer
These were harvested on Oct 5th 2023.

If you have received them, Then this is a good sign haha.

Have a great weekend everyone! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: :musical_note:


Good morning brotha man! Looking great in there, the stone sour are looking different then I expected, definitely looking forward to those, they were slept on imho. Hope you are having an awesome morning
(Likeless :man_facepalming:t2:)


Good morning and thanks brotha!
I think the other one is a female, fingers crossed. The pictures I saw of them look like some great smoke.

I need to brew a second pot, on the last cup of first one now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Oh the joy of being likeless haha.


I hope so too :crossed_fingers:t3: I agree it looks stellar. I’m surprised it wasn’t a bigger hit, OG well more for us right? I’ve been slacking on my coffee consumption, well my everything consumption lol, I hate being sick :man_facepalming:t2:


Good morning brotha, :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

your plants looking strong and healthy!! i keep my fingers crossed that the one is a win female.

out of likes atm so take these :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

have a nice sunday!


Goodmorning @InTheWoods @m0sirys

Early start today for me, but have a great Sunday!


Good morning @m0sirys @Weednerd.Anthony and OG :coffee:

Thanks brothas and likewise! I hope the coffee is deliciously smooth. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

This is the reason i want at least one female :grin: :yum:


I decided to chop the RP mother because I need room. Took cuts and stored if I want to bring her back to do a BX. The germ test turned into plant :grin:

Contango & Dream Drifter seeds more time to dry. DD was the last plant to come down, so the abysmal germ rate is par for the course with only a couple weeks to dry.

I’m thinking with these to get a look I’ll do Seed packs (Day1-7) to Solo Cups (Day 7-21) then Flip. The goal is to get a look at them. Most likely will store all female cuts until after smoke test.

95% on the Sour Serenade (19/20)
50% on the Contango (10/20)
30% on the Dream Drifter (6/20) - trying to get to 50% by tomorrow if not Ill toss non germed seeds to the chickens.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great day°! :innocent:


Grow morning to yall


Goodmorning @InTheWoods @m0sirys @Cartwright

Have a good week my friends!


Good morning @m0sirys @Cartwright @Weednerd.Anthony and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

How was everyones weekend?


Morning everyone :coffee:

Weekend was pretty chill here :sunglasses:


Pretty relaxed over here this weekend, today I got a decent size order from Shoe coming in to my PO Box, and more Dreadbread seedlings popped up out of my pack I’m F2ing so I’m hyped lol


Out of like right out of the gate. :green_heart: (5 min remaining)

@HomegrownVABudz Nice Glad to hear brotha.

@Weednerd.Anthony Oh budddy its great monday for you haha.
Curious on what you got but I can wait for the reveal. I have some Babylon busters from the St. Jude auction last year. It has the Dreadbread in it. Stoked to hear more seeding popped for the F2. Its going to be a great one!

@Cartwright Man your garden is rocking and rolling brotha! Are those Rotten Pineapples going to be f5s now?


Yup, rpf5 is imminent :+1:. Cant wait :footprints:

Have a great day everyone :wave:


Good morning brotha man. Hope all is great in your neck of the woods!

1 Like

@Ottafish Be very proud brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Frostyyy for Day 32.

Sugar belts x PR/BV A - Green Pheno
Took more cuts from her.

Sugar belts x PR/BV C - purple pheno

Sugar belts x PR/BV D 1 - This one is doing better than the one in 3gal fabric. 2 gal Polys for the win.

Sugar belts x PR/BV D 2

Gorilla Cookie Purp.


Gorgeous bro! Great work both of you