InTheWoods Journal

I’m ready for stable temps and stable clone shipping weather :wink:


Good morning brothas :coffee:

Fortunately above freezing here today, -5 is rough @TopShelfTrees1 .


What providence is that? Sending some warm vibes ! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Sask. have had some strange weather this year almost zero snow and extreme temp swings .


Wild to hear about the lack of snow. We are also experiencing extreme temp swings here too in the Northeast (probably not as extreme of the swings youre experiencing). It’s almost to the point of either new seasons or the seasons are shifting. Very weird.


good morning @InTheWoods and OGs

plants are looking good brotha!!!

have a great sunday :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Mornin folks. Hardcore El Niño is in effect. I am wondering when it will slump off, or go La Niña. Plan to do some reading on it today👌


Good morning @m0sirys @Cartwright and OGs :coffee:

Its hopefully going to be warming up from here on out. Come on Spring!

Is it raining cats and dogs over there?


Good morning everyone! Hope y’all have a wonderful day!


It’s been wet, and a little warm. May be that way all year. Hoping for less rain this year. Septoria is now all up in my serl.

Gonna strip all mulch, spray sulpher and copper separate days. Buy new straw and pray hard.

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Morning OGs :coffee:


Good morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Out of likes, a great start haha.

@VAkish You too brotha!

@Cartwright I didnt know you run an outdoor garden as well. I hope it clears out and you have a great growing season this year.


Yup, I keep it DL on the net, as I already have many :eyes::eyes::eyes: leering, uknowutimsayin’:wink:

In short, small farm, tomato guy, planning to bring in the chickens and install a greenhouse :crossed_fingers:

My tomatoes are somewhat good, I’ve been told🤪


Any new or old favorite varieties you’re trying this year? I just got my veg seeds in yesterday. Trying some Nebraska Wedding Tomato, Green Grape Tomatoes and Cream Sauasage this year.


In like jail already :joy:

Have a good day everyone !

@InTheWoods @m0sirys @Cartwright @VAkish @HomegrownVABudz @FishWhistler


Nice! I’m going to be putting in an order to baker creek soon. They have some interesting varieties in there I’d like to try out. Also trying some of @ix3u peppers I picked from his list to try out.

The usual culprits like Tomatoes, cucumbers, hot and sweet peppers, corn, squash, Zuccini. This year I want to try to grow watermelons, onions, Carrots and potatoes. Garlic is on the list too and getting an asparagus patch going.

Hopefully the weather warms up and can get the garden rows shaped up etc.


Good morning guys, crazy temp swings here too but I think we are seeing the last of it, 10 degrees two days ago and yesterday was -10, this morning it was -3 when I went for a walk but supposed to be 6 degrees by 11am. Been very little snow here too, I shoveled like 2 times all year. Feel bad for everyone who grabbed snowblowers after last winter, and didn’t get to use them once this year.


Good morning brotha :coffee:
Oof those minus number make me shiver. Woke up to 15, warms up all day to the upper 30s. Tomorrows high will be 54. lol

Yea, brightside is that they’re ready when it does decide to dump many feet.


True, nothing worse than new toys you can’t use for a couple years though, if it was me and possible id be returning it lol, that’s a good chunk of coin to play with.

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Nice man! Baker creek has some really awesome looking stuff. Seed Savers is another great catalogue to nerd out over lol. My lady and I grew some carrots last year and they were the most delicious carrot I’ve ever had, I just wish the return on effort was better haha. I can’t imagine how good home grown garlic must taste.

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Not easily done, took me years to get them to grow properly. Lots of sun/heat is key. Cold temps stunt em real good, too much shade too

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