InTheWoods Journal

Good morning y’all! Gonna be a hot one today. Stay cool and hydrated. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Likewise and hope your having a great week!


Happy belated birthday Mr Woods, hope you had a good one!

That Willie Must looks fruity and tropical, enjoy.


Good morning and thanks brotha! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

The little quick dry bud could taste the fruitiness, should only get better with a proper cure. The other two WMs could probably come down in a week along with the HK x MR F2.


Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

Busy bee today. Chopping the remaining crosses a day shy of 13 weeks. Once those are down, Ill move in half of the Saltwater Kushes. Reason for only half is other four need more time to recover from topping.

The LCHs are still untopped due to space in the clone zone. I should be able to get them topped today after shuffling and up potting clones that are ready. I need to get the smoke reports with photos done too.

Time for another cup of joe and hit the ground running, Hope everyone has a great day!


Chopped on day 90F

Silverback Haze

Spicy floral scents from both. very interesting, not sweet.

Found the plants shot, Edited them in.

Slight purpling on the buds later in flower.

4 Slight purpling on the calyxes, strings of bud type structure.

Royally Hazed

Some intersex issues. Keep an eye out later in flower.

Nanner free lady.

Interesting scents from this one, its spicy like black pepper. Not fruity or sweet. Should be interesting smoke.

Slight sour hints but has a haze hint.
This one started to throw a couple nanners and tapped out.

Dream Drifter

Sweet blue dream with metallic hints.My eyes my be off but looks like a little purpling occuring on the main cola. No nanners or intersex issues.

So far this cross is my favorite.

Contango from round 1

No intersex issues on them. With the groove bag failures on all of these Contangos. They didn’t give me a proper cure All it lacking the robust flavor profile I’m looking for from the mom. Some have it slighty but muted for sure.

Overall average smoke, lacking that flavor in my opinion.

Scent - Citrus{slight lemon}, earthy funk
Taste - Earthy, slight citrus
1-10 Density {1 being airy, 10 being rock like} = 7
Day or Night? Nighttime smoke.

Scent - Funky lemons, slight sweetness
Taste - Mainly Earthy, slight citrus, zero sweetness.
Density = 6
Day or night? Daytime smoke.

Scent -Hashy citrus
Taste - little sweetness but mainly citrus hints.
Density = 5
Day or Night? - Day

Closest one to the robust lemon earth from the mom.
Scent - lemon earthy.
Taste- funky earth, slight lemon. Not very robust that coat your togue.
Density = 7
Day or Night? Both if your feeling froggy :grin:

Scent - Sweet lemon earth,
Taste - Slight sweet lemon upfront, Mainly earthy.
Density = 8
Day or Night? Night

Scent - Citrus/earth
Taste- Hashy,earthy
Density = 7
Day or Night? Night

Scent - Earthy citrus.
Taste - Slight citrus, not very robust.
Density = 5
Day or Night? Both.

Hope everyone had a great day :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


good morning brotha!

what a great write up! and great work as always! :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Good morning boys! Happy Belated B Day man. I hope you got a big present lol

1 Like

Good morning @m0sirys @Ottafish and OGs :coffee:

Appreciate it brotha, Kinda repetitive but I got the points across lol.

Thanks brotha. It was nice day with friends and family.
Ran into some old heads I haven’t seen since high school at the bar later that night. Those IPAs were going down too smooth haha.

Hope everyone has a lovely day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and friends! Glad it’s Friday! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

IMG_5629 IMG_5622 IMG_5626


Good morning @OhNo555 :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Spring weather here for a couple days. Ill take it after last week in the 90s.

Hope you have a great weekend brotha!


Great smoke report @InTheWoods I don’t know how you keep it so detailed. After the first couple I would be like…
am I stoned :white_check_mark:
What were the other categories :negative_squared_cross_mark:


For real @Igor I’d have to write each as I’m going or something would be forgotten later :laughing: Excellent report K++


Great smoke report @InTheWoods I don’t know how you keep it so detailed.

He definitely does a good job! One could say professional looking write ups​:fuelpump::grapes::fire::v:t3::sleeping:


Good morning :sunny: @InTheWoods, I think everyone partied to hard last night. Been very quiet :shushing_face: this morning. See you all later! :ok_hand::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good Morning @Igor @ManyManySpliffs @Ottafish and OGs :coffee:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Found the Silverback haze plant shots from the other day. Ill be editing them in after this post.

Very kind words brothas. It definitely took some time just getting thru those Contangos while being as accurate as I could be. Having a notebook to write down as I test them has helped a bunch. I’d say I’m far from professional, just passionate. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Starting trimming the Dream Drifter. Hollow stem on this lady.

Haha Its was a fun day afterwork at the park. Until I blew out my left calf muscle or so it feels like it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Great Member, Epic deals. Don’t miss out!


Excellent work, well done!


Flipped 4 SWKs (taller plants), remaining MCR (short plant) on 6/27 for future reference.
No official tally on M/F yet. In a couple days I should know. Staggering the other four SWKs by a week as they needed a more time to recover.

Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel
Day 52 Veg.

It’s been a while since I updated the LCHs. Only been feeding LPF 7ml in one gallon mixes. every other watering. They are out of order since rearranging them to get the shorter plants out from under the canopy.


Mmm :drooling_face: I’m out of town so will have to comment on what I see later but they’re looking fantastic :heart_eyes:

I will say the 9+ bladed leaves close together look are coming from the c5sensistar male:

And the couple with the thin blades pointing out in different directions look towards the end of the pics there are from Franco’s Lemon Cheese mom:

The male had like an Asian seasoning/peppery type stem rub. I don’t remember nor apparently wrote down what the mom smelled like :confused: