InTheWoods Journal

Good afternoon OG :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone has a great day!

Day 60F

Hindu Kush x Maruf Red @SF0
Couple nanner appeared in the 4th quarter. Plucked, chopping down in 3 days.
Interesting Fan Leafs on her.

Very lemony terps. slight piney/earth :yum:

Maruf Red F2 @SF0

Willie Myst @Guitarzan
Similar outcome as the first lady. Couple nanners appearing on both in home stretch. Since I noticed them before they fully opened. Looking forward to smoking them.

Sweet bubble gum profile on both. The theme from all three has been Bubblegum terps.

2-3 appeared and plucked.

Only one Nanner found on thursday and plucked.
Knuckled top. Big bracts.

This photo is from thursday, plucked it, nothing since. very little part of the banana left.

Kilimanjaro @Kidete
She really didnt like the epsom salt. Water only since I angered her.

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325


Little purpling on the main cola on #1. Seems to be finishing faster than the other two even though its NLD.



Malawi Gold @Tejas
#1 Tall

#2 (edited: correct female now)

68’ Lambsbread @Upstate

No main cola shot from this one. Only side branch close up.

Main cola is the first pic. Side branch in the second.

Quicksilver @Elpolloloco

Pablos Two Times @Guitarzan


Nice looking :eyes: plants 🪴 brother! Great pictures of your grow! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Your grows are looking great, Keep up the good work!


I disagree. I’d call it professional for sure. Great pics and write ups = professional. The work you put in makes reading your posts interesting. Keep up the good work!


Good morning @OhNo555 @Sailorboy @Ottafish and OGs :coffee:

Thanks brothas :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

First signs of day breaking, coffee beans ground, coffee brewing!

Wild to think its 59F (15 Celsius) right now for July 1st.

It’s going to be a good day!


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope you`ll have a great start into the week! :slight_smile:


Good morning and likewise brotha! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I think the other MCR is a male, I’ll know for sure in a day or two. Fingers crossed for a female.


Oh, I can’t wait to see! I hope it will be a girl! crossing fingers My first one, which was actually only supposed to be a germination test, is also a male. But a nice vital male in root mass ect. Actually not so bad to already have a good male for the F2 run :slight_smile: Now I just have to find a nice girl! I hope that I will be able to make the F2 run by the end of the year. But at the moment I’m still busy with Bam Bam and Chunky Junky. I just need more space for everything I want to do. But I think everyone here on OG knows the problem! :slight_smile: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning @InTheWoods and @m0sirys and OGs! Oh the coffee is flowing good… just staring at some work I got to do when I get home tonight here, these new 9 pot trays are gonna require some serious training earlier lol, these girls go into flip tomorrow lol. Have a great one!


Awesome! I bet you’ll find her relatively easy with the lineage on the MCR. Looking forward to your hunt to find her.

Those should be some great smoke, Hope you get a hefty harvest brotha!

Every time I think I’m allset, A month later I feel like I need one more tent. :joy:


haha got you on that!

My new light should arrive soon ! I’m still thinking about whether to buy another tent or build one myself. I’m not sure yet, both have their advantages and disadvantages.


How come we always need more room lol, just got approved through the state to grow for several people with med cards… well looks like I’ll be stepping up my outdoor game next summer with a greenhouse… only been a year of growing and what a f’ing blast so far!


That’s a good question, broother! Maybe because we really love what we do? :smiley:

Before I put something out there, I let the average German get used to the idea that it’s legal! Before the whole neighborhood shit themselves! :;D


Yeah just heard you guys just legalized, about time lol. You got any new plans or just keeping her easy?


iĺl keep it easy! I think it’s better to wait and see how things develop in 1-2 years. I had my experience with large systems 10 years ago. if i want to i could :smiley: thats good enough for me nowadays


Three of these and I need to make a new pot :rofl:

Man, those are very healthy ladies!
What light are they under? 600w?
I’m saving up for a full coverage light for my 5x5. I think it calls for 700-800w. Kind of overkill in my needs.

I like just the ease of setup and break down with the tents. But really a closet with white walls would do the trick depending on the need for that tent.

More variety means we need more space haha.

Congrats on the approval brotha! I’m stoked to hear people can still be caregivers to med patients.
Hope you have great first run next year!


Sounds like a good plan, I’ve had to watch everyone grow from the sidelines for 30 years until this year, heck I haven’t even started my Haze grow area yet lol, my favorite smoke! Just got some nice crosses from @InTheWoods that will be popped soon… where I don’t know bur it will happen.


@InTheWoods this is that mammoth 880 mint white series, it’s only at 70%.


Yes, that’s probably true! I’m actually a friend of self-built things! They are usually better than tents, especially when it comes to air supply and air circulation. But as you said, it depends on how much energy you want to put into it. I’ll have to sit down at the drawing board. I don’t have the time at the moment,


I grow in those autopots and between that light and those the girls just go nuts… it’s awesome cause I’ll start getting my training game down or I’m in trouble lol