InTheWoods Journal

I’m ne too, drying out today, I see a death to bugs spray coming on. Bt or Jack’s dead, that is the question :man_shrugging:


Good morning in @InTheWoods! Been a few since I’ve been on, really busy couple of weeks, your garden still looking awesome, have a great day and enjoy all that great smoke!!

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Good morning OGs :coffee:

Hope everyones coffee deliciously smooth and strong!

Thanks brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope your getting some rest over the weekend!


Spent most of the weekend tending to my plants indoor and out. Nonstop, but to me that is very relaxing working with the girls.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @Cartwright, @PatHealy, @m0sirys, @Sailorboy, and all the rest of you guys! Have a great day! :facepunch::+1::wink::hugs::sunglasses::v:


Thanks!! Same to you @OhNo555!!


Dream Drifter
Day 23 veg (taken yesterday)

The vigor is there with most of them. First time seeing a plant throw a 5 blade leaf on the second node. Typically, I see 1,3,5 etc. 75 % of them are similar in height. 25% are shorter.

A couple finicky ladies in the top right but I think its root bound that’s causing the yellowing.
Fed 7ml Grow big, 7ml LPF, 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt in one gallon mix. Some green is back with finicky ones. It will be a couple days before I up pot all. Busy week at work playing catchup after all the rain

DD #4 mother. Cuts to be taken off her soon and will flip to have her going alongside the others to compare.

You can see the 1 to 5 blade on the closest plant.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods & friends, great looking :eyes: start you got going! Hope you find something good buddy! I think that strain is some of @Tracker’s fine work! Hell yeah! Nice to see them grown out by someone else! :blush::partying_face::clap::tophat::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::v:


The Dream Drifter is @InTheWoods’s creation using the female Dream 6 crossed by a male from Skunk/Haze line.

I have a couple of Dream Drifter females going in my garden.


Looking :eyes: good bro :sunglasses:! Always nice to see your work growing! :clap::clap::clap::blush::+1::facepunch::partying_face::wink::sunglasses::v:


Good morning @OhNo555 @tracker and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!
Crisp cool fall mornings lately here, 56F currently. Its a tease because I know the heat will return for one last time before fall.

I thought I pressed reply but got sidetracked. doh!

Thanks brotha. The hard part will be the comparing which is better haha. I enjoyed every DD so far. Nice variety of genotypes in them. I wish I was able to get a proper cure with the other creations but all my 26 grove bags failed from my second order, so I probably only had a glimpse of what the potential is. Not a fan after dealing with their customer service. Going back to mason jars again for this hunt so I don’t have any issues with the zippers on the bags failing.

After seeing the different D6 offspring your growing side by side The Dream Feature, BD x SLH, Dream Blush and DD. Dream 6 pulls thru in the offspring very well. Stoked on your project and looking forward to the offspring. (cart before the horse i know haha)

Hope everyone has a great day!


No chickens yet. I hope I get plenty of seeds to send back to you, @Kasper0909, @MNGrower, and anyone else who wants to work it further.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @Tracker, @PatHealy, @Sailorboy, & the rest of the gang! I hear :ear: what you are saying about them groove bags :briefcase:, everything I read about curing tell me the jars are a best and no fail safe. I have read that it is not good to store weed in any type of plastic. I went away from it years ago. Check out this link :link: :arrow_down:! :wink::blush::partying_face::+1::sun_with_face::sunglasses::facepunch::v:

How To Store Your Weed (Best & Worst Methods).


Depending on how much I harvest, I use either 5gal food grade buckets or turkey bags.


Good idea. I’m all for trying new things, but those Grove bags never really made any sense to me. Maybe for commercial growers or something, but mason jars work. They’ve always worked. There’s never been a problem with mason jars haha.


Agree on Mason jars, tried it and like the jars better… kinda enjoy cracking each jar every morning and getting a whiff.


I have faith you’ll get a boatload with your skills!

@Kasper0909 @MNGrower If you guys want to trade for some DD, reach out brothas! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Seemed like good an idea at first but lackluster in the end. Thanks for the link brotha.

I’ll look into those for an additional option if I run out of jars.

I made this point to them.I

Asked if they had compared the failure rates of the seal on a mason jar vs there product. Sweet sound of silence.

I wouldnt be surprised if they experience the same issue I have. Since they order cases, They probably get the red-carpet treatment.


Well… My failed wintertime fem see making run was a confidence killer, but reg seeds seem to be way more productive.

They work great in a pinch. I keep a few new ones on hand all the time. Super convenient. Low cost. Food safe. Hold in moisture. Fit a lot of herb.

When you close it up, twist up the opening and fold the twist over before putting on the twist tie to double up the seal.


For sure man :sunglasses: I’d love to get some back to see what ya got. However I forget what you’re crossing with it :joy::joy:

I’d be down brother! I’ll message ya :sunglasses:


I have a male BDSLH and a male Chunky Junky. When the BDSLH starts showing balls, I will cull the Chunky Junky before it drops pollen. If something goes wrong with the BDSLH, then I will pollinate with Chunky Junky.

Females in the garden…

Dream6 @Tracker
BD(JD6) selfed. BD(JD6) was BD S1 cut #6 from friend JD.

Dream Blush @Kasper0909
Dream6 x BOG Blue Kush (from @DougDawson coop run)

Dream Feature @Tracker
Dream6 x Blue Peaches (strong blueberry aroma on BP from Okcalyxx)

Dream Drifter @InTheWoods
Dream6 x ITW’s Skunk/Haze work

Dream6 x SLH

Chunky Junky @BigMike55
Cap Junky S1 x Blue Tara

I plan to let the male drop on the these for 2 weeks after they start flowering, so if all goes well, they will make a lot of seeds.

For me, the most exciting one is the Dream Feature x BDSLH6 because it looks like…

(BDs2 x Blueberry) x (BDs2 x SLH)