InTheWoods Journal

Fuck… did he lose all of them?

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Seemed like he was going to be without power in Texas for quite awhile. Not sure if he backed everything up in the fridge and was able to keep a generator going.

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Man, I hope he had backups because I know he was stoked on them. Fingers crossed they were passed to others so they can make their way home again. @Jetdro Hope you and the dogs doing well brotha!


Yeah, I’m hoping since he seemed to share them so freely with people he liked that he’ll be able to get them back as soon as he wants them.


I just seen his Wedding cake cut in flower so I know that one is still around. He might associate me with TST since he was so active in my thread, and I was active in his. Very bummed on that whole situation.


Nice tray of buds! Hell yeah! :clap::clap::clap::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::v:

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Good morning brotha and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

At a quick glance, The plate of buds reminds me of a green version of this pasta. :grin:


Good morning :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: @InTheWoods & friend, finally a night of all rain with 4 to 5 inches in the forecast! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::v:


props on the run of these, how ever this tells me 100% sure that i will never run the seeds i have of this strain.

props though for-sure …


You and me both bro :joy:

Were those the 68 lambsbread from the coop?




Thanks brotha but I’m not doing it any justice. I wanted to see if I could pull it off, its evident I dont have it this round. I will try in the future again. Its actually not too bad but I need to get better at keeping them happier through out.

Yea, Fortunate for us @Hashpants has a monster 68 Lambsbread too.


3 sisters (maybe)


Day 100F

Close up of Lambsbread

MH x DE #1,2,3 clones
Day 11F


Man your flowers look awesome!!

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Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and the rest of the gang. Trying to make them rounds and get to my friends this morning. How is the weather in Germany :de: brother? We got a whole 7 days coming all in the low to mid 80s with nothing, but sun :sun_with_face:! I am still at the beach :beach_umbrella: till mid September with a short trip back home next weekend. Got a full house :house_with_garden: of people for the week! Have a good day gang. :sun_with_face::ocean::beach_umbrella::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::v:


Hey :wave: @Cartwright good morning :sunny:! :beach_umbrella::ocean::sun_with_face::wink::sunglasses::v:


What’s up monsta :wave:

Great time of year, enjoy it :wink:


Good morning @Gumbert @OhNo555 @Cartwright and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

A beautiful morning here after Debby finally moved out. The humidity should burn off by noon.

I’ll probably sift some soil out the run today as it seems to have broken down faster. Ill add more wood chips after.

I think the mycelium web already knows what to do with the woodchips in the run and takes less time to start to decompose it. I always tripped out on the fact that once it finds a way to break it down, that information is transferred throughout the entire web to allow it to be a new source of energy/food.
(I may have butchered that explanation but feel I got the gist of it across)

Thanks brotha I have to stop by your thread and brush up on your ladies :sunglasses:
Hope you’re having a great summer!

First the heat then the rain, it’s about time the weather gives you the perfect forecast!
Hope you have a great time with everyone and catch some beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

I’m up in the northeast but you may be thinking about our other brotha @m0sirys.

Guten Nachmittag, Bruder! Ich hoffe, du hast schon ein tolles Wochenende! :sunglasses::vulcan_salute:

Hope you’re having a great summer brotha!


I’m up in the northeast but you may be thinking about our other brotha @m0sirys.

That is right @InTheWoods :joy::joy::joy: more smoking than coffee :coffee: drinking going on at the moment! :wink::sunglasses::v: